Activist Toolkit Updates and Suggestions
My name is Steff and I'm the new activist toolkit intern.
I'm a journalism student with a gender studies minor and I'm really interested in feminist organizing, anti-oppression work, disAbility and queer rights. A lot of the stuff that I've posted so far has fallen under these topics.
There are a lot of changes happening to the toolkit, new content and even a new blog for it.
I'm constantly adding to the toolkit, so let me know what you'd like to see happen with it.
Check out the changes at, especially under the How To Guides and workshops.
Good places to start are:
How to do event first aid
How to address accessibility
Anti-racist organizing for white activists
Radical consent workshop
Hi Sppinch!
Thanks for these indeed!
I was wondering, on the same note as if you had more tips and tools for how to organize People of Color.
It'd be great to find examples of how PoC organized in various parts of US during the civil rights movement or more recently, in Vancouver, Seattle and so on.
Decolonize PDX
Hi docalf,
That's an awesome idea. There were a ton of ways that PoC rocked protests, demos and marches when fighting for civil rights. I'll see what resources I can find to go over some of those. I hadn't heard of Decolonize PDX but that would be the perfect tool to help address the lack of checking privilege that gets so problematic within activist movements like Occupy, Slutwalks etc.
Thanks for the suggestions, much obliged and keep em coming :)