babble is's discussion board but it's much more than that: it's an online community for folks who just won't shut up. It's a place to tell each other — and the world — what's up with our work and campaigns.

babble Hall of Fame: version X.2.1

Joined: Feb 27 2003

I tried finding the old babble hall of Fame, but could go back only to October, 2008.

In any case, skarredmunkey's response to genstrike's question here,  

"Who exactly sees Ignatieff as the second coming of Trudeau?" here is a beaut.

A classist, priveleged twit and an ostensible liberal with delusions of grandeur who goes back and forth between ideas and policies that are everything from "centrist" to outright fascist, and will probably, sadly, become Prime Minister some day by attempting to look young fresh and new?

I'd say the comparison is fair.


Joined: Feb 27 2003
Say, why can't I edit that first post?  There's an extra "here" there.

martin dufresne
Joined: Dec 24 2005

"will probably, sadly, become Prime Minister some day "

Not if Quebec can help it.

Joined: May 14 2008

 NorthReport on Liberal Party of Canada "I also notice Warren Kinsella has bowed out or got the boot, not sure which.  Not that it matters, as he usually does more harm than good to whoever he is promoting, which is usually himself."   -NothReport (November 21, 2009) in

Joined: Apr 29 2004

Tommy Paine on gun control:



You want gun control?  Start a website devoted to arming the left.  Education on weapons, how to purchase, how to navigate the regulations, etc.

You'd have gun control faster than Flaherty at a blind man kicking contest.

Joined: Aug 8 2005

Fidel, taking a creative pause from the usual toadies and lapdogs routine...

Harper is just a shoulder parrot for Uncle Peg-leg next door. Harper and his reformaTories are full of baloney on their best of days. If we can't take him seriously, how can leaders of real countries treat him like a real leader? Harper is a stooge.

George Victor
Joined: Oct 28 2007

Contrarianna succinctly wrapping a long thread with finesse:


"Defenders of the large population, (of the future, and current) are correct when they point out 2 realities--but when these truths are considered simultaneously, they do not give cause for environmental complacency, or hardly reason for hope.



 The first is that truth that as societies move from "developing" status to "developed", it usually entails decreasing family size.


The second is that consumption and eco-footprint of individuals in "developed" countries are many times that of "developing" societies.

The coupling of global capitalism, (with its appetite for cheap, plentiful, disposable labour) with the universal human desire for self-advancement and  "getting things", both needed--and ultimately unneeded, will continue the current mass extinction event and result in the desertification of the planet."


Joined: Apr 22 2001


On his timeless album wich included "the seven words you can't say on T.V."  the late and very much missed George Carlin also treated us to combinations of words that you just don't hear, like "hand me that piano".


But Oldgoat found one that Carlin missed:

-DUCK! It's a flying buttress!


Polly B
Joined: Dec 15 2004

Bagkitty shadow moderating the personal attack thread...


Hey, this is a thread about personal attacks, not techo-babble. Either launch a personal attack or go elsewhere.

Joined: Feb 27 2003

oldgoat, uniting discussions from a couple of threads, while displaying the comedic eye and timing of a virtuoso:


-. ..- -- .--. - -.--

George Victor
Joined: Oct 28 2007


"It's all well and good to wag a finger at sinners, but virtue gets harder every day simply because of the way the Almighty Market is constructing our society. You can exhort people to live a healthy life and get the righteous thrill of being Jeremiah in a jogging suit. Or you can actually help them by trying to build a healthier society."


("Jeremiah in a jogging suit" will be placed in a frame.)

G. Muffin
Joined: Sep 28 2008

Sweet Jeremiah in Sneakers!

G. Muffin
Joined: Sep 28 2008

Polly B wrote:

Bagkitty shadow moderating the personal attack thread...


Hey, this is a thread about personal attacks, not techo-babble. Either launch a personal attack or go elsewhere.


Good call, Polly!!!

G. Muffin
Joined: Sep 28 2008

Fidel wrote:

Tommy Paine on gun control:



You want gun control?  Start a website devoted to arming the left.  Education on weapons, how to purchase, how to navigate the regulations, etc.

You'd have gun control faster than Flaherty at a blind man kicking contest.

Want gun control?  Listen to Nada Stotland (former director of the American Psychiatric Association) say that keeping guns away from crazies is all discriminatory and harsh and judgmental and unfair, like.  Anybody think EFA should carry a gun?

Joined: Oct 15 2007

500_Apples wrote:


I think the individualism you promote would have been very sensible in the 18th century, when the state of philosophical knowledge was as it was. The simple fact is that a lot of these individualist theories have been comprehensively discredited by reasoned arguments and detailed research. They simply don't hold. I don't buy into the environmental determinism of a few on this thread but they very much have a point and they're closer to reality than you are. I'll address some of your points.

Sven wrote:

In reality, many problems require a combination of systemic solutions and personal initiative.  If a society has poor roads and a virtually non-existent transportation infrastructure, even Herculean personal efforts will not result in a competitive economy.  If laws don't prohibit hiring and firing for discriminatory reasons, both society and the individuals effected by those discriminatory actions will suffer.


This for example is a completely false dichotomy. The example that immediately comes to mind is the 1960s USian civil rights act, which a lot of charlatan libertarians like to argue forced a behavioral system on innocent business owners by government fiat. It was nothing like that... it was the business owners forcing their backwards way of mind onto African Americans for hundreds of years. The nominal change that there was was not brought in "by government", but actually by the collective individual actions of millions of people who were actively fighting the system and bringing tremendous pressure on the Johnson administration.

Sven wrote:

You're failing in school?  Huh.  It must be that the school's fault.  The fact that you spend hours every day playing video games instead of cracking open your books couldn't possibly be the cause of your failure.  Instead, the school needs more money - that is "the solution"!!


Blaming video games is a nice populist theory but it doesn't hold up to scrutiny. There simply are better schools, better learning environments and better teachers and these make a tremendous difference. There's an excellent article in this month's The Atlantic which investigates 20 years of data that Teach for America has collected on the rrecent graduates it sends to inner city schools. They try and select for better teachers, and now they find that 44% of their teachers succeed in raising their students test scores by over 1.5 grade levels. If teachers didn't matter as you imply then that wouldn't be the case.

In all schools, there's a distribution of the amount of time kids spend on video games, as there is between schools as well. It's not the games. It's everything. Teachers, schools, home environment, etc.



If anything, going after simple explanations like "video games" is not jut false, it's lazy. You're being frightened away from the underlying complexity of reality, because you don't want to think that hard and you might not like the answers.

 Thank you very much.


G. Muffin
Joined: Sep 28 2008

Actually, some of those simple explanations do work. Video games ... ADHD ... Ritalin ... crystal meth ... violence is a progression that makes sense to me. It's not the answer to the whole problem, by any means.

Same with mental illness. Instability ... drug dabbling ... further instability ... 911 ... bad experience ... more drugs ... more instability ... and then pretty soon the police all know your name.

George Victor
Joined: Oct 28 2007

Beacause they are "simple explanations", they are used by the Bushies and Harpers on their law and order crusades...without doin' a damned thing about causation. 

But let's leave this thread open for babbler's famous phrases, GM.

G. Muffin
Joined: Sep 28 2008

Fidel wrote:

Tommy Paine on gun control:


You want gun control?  Start a website devoted to arming the left.  Education on weapons, how to purchase, how to navigate the regulations, etc.

You'd have gun control faster than Flaherty at a blind man kicking contest.

Happiness Is A Warm Gun.

I need a firearm like I need a hole in my head.

Joined: Oct 15 2007

Tommy_Paine wrote:

Well, there is the thousand David Frum rule, I'll give you that.   


But without mummy, and unless marrying astutely is a journalistic skill, there's not much between him and "would you like fries with that?"


From here:

Lard Tunderin Jeezus
Joined: Aug 27 2001

GOD wrote:

B9sus4 wrote:

I read a piece today from a guy who sat down and carefully read the Revelations part of the bible. He said if you read it close there's certain things that become clear. According to that stuff in order to get "raptured" you have to be a male Jewish virgin and there's only 144,000 tops that are going. Period. No women. No gentiles. No men who have been "defiled" (sic) by women (that's what it says.)

There's an awful lot of hillbillies that are going to be very disappointed. I 'spect they'll try to get their money back.


Don't worry, I changed my mind on that when I realized I was going to have to spend eternity with Ezra Levant!

from here

G. Muffin
Joined: Sep 28 2008

Who the fuck is Ezra Levant?

Lard Tunderin Jeezus
Joined: Aug 27 2001

I only wish that I was unaware of the existence of the fat little fascist that goes by the name of Ezra, GM. This is definitely a case where ignorance is bliss.

Joined: Aug 8 2005

From here:

Frustrated Mess wrote:
In fact, a true conservative would look at the huge amounts put away by Norway over a relatively short period of time and recognize Alberta as financially imprudent, at best, and probably stupefied by an idiotic ideology that argues you put yourself first by screwing thyself and beggaring thy neighbour while handing all thine wealth to huge corporations that will leave your home a smoldering ruin when they're done. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

Lard Tunderin Jeezus
Joined: Aug 27 2001

A very good point about those who defend Israeli aggression hereabouts:

Slumberjack wrote:

Open apologists of the former South African apartheid system, defenders of everyday systemic forms of oppression in this country, and those who excuse and support violent colonialism in other places traditionally have been ushered to the exits here. Can anyone explain the lenient standard applied in terms of the level of tolerance for hate against Palestinians and support for tyranny against them in threads of this nature? What any sensible person can clearly define as brutal oppression apparently is a matter of debate and merely comes down to ones point of view.

Instead of isolating them from meaningful dialogue as the pariahs they are, spitting distain without regret through the act of expelling their reprehensible excuses and ideology from a community which speaks of valuing human decency over the monstrosity that these interlopers pathetically represent, they are continuously permitted to assault reason, honesty, justice, and dignity with every fetid post that documents not only their shame, but our own in not calling for their immediate removal whenever they rear their ugly heads on this board.


Joined: May 25 2003

al-Qa'bong wrote:
Come on; who else defends ethnic cleansing, theft and murder because God is their realtor?



George Victor
Joined: Oct 28 2007

al-Qa'bong , on March 21 observed:'

"If one takes the steamengine of thought that runs from Rousseau through Kant to Hegel, one sees that the state is an expression of the will of either God or The People (or the two are the same).  One state (or the manifestation of the will of one people) is no better than another state, nor is one people any better than another.  There may be regimes that at any time may be qualitatively better or worse than another, but we're all peoples of the world, and none of us is better than another."

Lard Tunderin Jeezus
Joined: Aug 27 2001

Genstrike cuts through the bullshit, in the I support Cheri Dinovo thread:

genstrike wrote:

KeyStone wrote:

OK, so Cheri isn't perfect. Who is?
And so, not every one of her views aligns perfectly with the self annointed progressive left.

She's still better than most of the other politicians out there, by a long shot...

I don't understand these kinds of comments.  They're portraying the people who are crticial of DiNovo with all these stereotypes of people on the left.  That we're purists who denounce anyone who strays from the party line, that we're doctrinaire, wtc.

We need to remember, that it was DiNovo who denounced us and called people nasty things on facebook and whatnot.  Why aren't people saying "Okay, so the IAW folks aren't perfect.  Who is?  But so, not every one of their views aligns perfectly with the self-anointed adjudicator of what is acceptable on the left, Cheri DiNovo"

I mean, this is really showing some messed up and unbalanced power relations between activists and politicians on the left.  It's almost saying that we need to quickly forgive them for their transgressions, while they are free to constantly denounce us for our principles.

Joined: Apr 29 2004

FrmrSldr is Harry Patch.

FrmrSldr wrote:
I don't see a need for NATO in Europe. NATO should have gone the way of the Berlin Wall, East Germany, communism in Europe, the U.S.S.R. and the Cold War.

You can accomplish far greater things through trust, dialogue and cooperation than by fear, mistrust and antagonism.

Lard Tunderin Jeezus
Joined: Aug 27 2001

Really, is there anything left to say after this one?

Gunner188 wrote:

Well the problem with a monument to the victims of capitalism is that you need to put an electronic ticker on it to keep tallying up the victims...

Joined: Jun 9 2004

I love this one by Lou Arab in the Guys Being Confused thread:


"Guys being confused"???


Might as well call the thread "sky being blue."

Joined: Dec 23 2003

Joey Ramone wrote:

What a moron.

Responding to this:

I think there are US style Trotskyists who feel that socialism can't possibly survive without first condemning the Soviets, Koreans and Cubans as having been the evil empire. They feel obligated to legitimize themselves in the presence of liberals and conservatives. And I find they tend to sound a lot like American and Canadian conservatives at times when regurgitating the rabid anti-communist cold war era rhetoric.


found here: North Korea

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