babble is's discussion board but it's much more than that: it's an online community for folks who just won't shut up. It's a place to tell each other — and the world — what's up with our work and campaigns.
Hey mmphosis, I was wondering if someone else would catch that... here is the local CBC coverage. I was thinking of adding this to the defacing election placards thread, but since you have kindly provided a dedicated thread perhaps this will catch more babblers eyes. You don't have to live in the riding to play this game.
Thanks bagkitty. :) I don't think that this is the same as defacing a placard. I think this is more about creativity and imagination. For instance, the Conservative candidate in my riding, like the candidate in Calgary, is a no show. So, if we can't ask them questions on important issues for the upcoming vote: Let's send a message. I agree that You don't have to live in the riding to play this game.
The messages from the web site:
The first step is admitting you're in a recession.
It's not you, it's me. Remember accountability? I sure do!
Let's talk about YOUR hair.
Gee thanks for that $158 billion in new debt!
So your ethics spokesperson is going to jail, hey?
Sorry, your plan just isn't working.
My riding won't be taken for granted!
Let the clever messages begin. A discussion on an issue that is important to you might even break out, but there are other threads for that too.
Hey mmphosis, I was wondering if someone else would catch that... here is the local CBC coverage. I was thinking of adding this to the defacing election placards thread, but since you have kindly provided a dedicated thread perhaps this will catch more babblers eyes. You don't have to live in the riding to play this game.
Found a gem in the comments section to the CBC story which I want to share.
Thanks bagkitty. :) I don't think that this is the same as defacing a placard. I think this is more about creativity and imagination. For instance, the Conservative candidate in my riding, like the candidate in Calgary, is a no show. So, if we can't ask them questions on important issues for the upcoming vote: Let's send a message. I agree that You don't have to live in the riding to play this game.
The messages from the web site:
Let the clever messages begin. A discussion on an issue that is important to you might even break out, but there are other threads for that too.
How much would it cost for all of the above?