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Canadian Submarine Fleet Needs Billions To Stay Afloat

Joined: Oct 16 2015 So we spent a billions to buy them from the UK , a couple billion to upgrade them and now they need a couple billion more to stop them from sinking. This is such a wast of taxpayer dollars and we never even truly needed submarines. How about we forget about this and spend the money on something actually useful like into our healthcare system.


Sean in Ottawa
Joined: Jun 3 2003

CanadianEh19 wrote: So we spent a billions to buy them from the UK , a couple billion to upgrade them and now they need a couple billion more to stop them from sinking. This is such a wast of taxpayer dollars and we never even truly needed submarines. How about we forget about this and spend the money on something actually useful like into our healthcare system.

Even if you want to look to the coast -- we have both a need for updated coast guard services and air / sea rescue.

That said submarines are supposed to go under water... ;-)

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