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Poll: Canada’s politicians out of touch with public on Mideast

Left Turn
Joined: Mar 28 2005


Left Turn
Joined: Mar 28 2005

Poll: Canada’s politicians out of touch with public on Mideast

A new Ekos poll released this morning found that 46 per cent of Canadians, including a majority of those who support every party but the Conservatives, hold a negative view of Israel. The Canadian government is seen to have a pro-Israel bias by 61 per cent of respondents, while 91 per cent do not think criticism of Israeli government policy is necessarily anti-semitic. These results suggest that Canada’s big political parties are out of step with Canadians on these issues.

Left Turn
Joined: Mar 28 2005

Stunning results about Canadian opinions on Israel & Palestine

Results of a national survey of Canadians by EKOS, which Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) co-sponsored, show that Canadians are at sharp odds with the Canadian government’s and Jewish establishment’s pro-Israel bias.


The poll found that far more Canadians had a negative (46%) than a positive (28%) opinion of the Israeli government. This was particularly true of Liberal Party supporters (55% vs 22%); NDPers (61% vs 7%); Greens (58% vs 5%); and Bloc Quebecois supporters (78% vs 10%). Only Conservative Party supporters tended to have more positive than negative opinions of the Israeli government (21% vs 58%).

Mr. Magoo
Joined: Dec 13 2002

while 91 per cent do not think criticism of Israeli government policy is necessarily anti-semitic.

Do they not know that "anti-Semitism" is just "Russophobia" but with Jews?  And that ANY criticism == bigotry?

Left Turn
Joined: Mar 28 2005

Mr. Magoo wrote:

while 91 per cent do not think criticism of Israeli government policy is necessarily anti-semitic.

Do they not know that "anti-Semitism" is just "Russophobia" but with Jews?  And that ANY criticism == bigotry?

I get that you're problbaly trying to be either 'ironic' or 'sarcastic' here, but it comes across (to me at least) as though you don't really care about the results of this survey.

A lot of your posts come across this way, at least to me.

Mr. Magoo
Joined: Dec 13 2002

I get that you're problbaly trying to be either 'ironic' or 'sarcastic' here


but it comes across (to me at least) as though you don't really care about the results of this survey.

You're probably right.  But personal investment has never been a pre-condition for comment at babble.

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