babble is's discussion board but it's much more than that: it's an online community for folks who just won't shut up. It's a place to tell each other — and the world — what's up with our work and campaigns.

Unifor Jerry Dias Donated Money To Kellie Leitch Leadership Campaign

Mighty Middle
Joined: Apr 20 2016



Mighty Middle
Joined: Apr 20 2016

Unifor director of communications Denise Hammond confirmed in an email that Dias and Leitch are friends, and that the donation was “personal”.

“Jerry Dias and Kelly Leitch are personal friends and he made a contribution to her campaign. This was a personal donation and not a single cent was donated from or on behalf of the union,” she wrote.

Joined: Dec 11 2005

Dias 'has to explain' donation to Leitch: Mulcair

“Jerry, I guess, wants to support Conservatives or the Conservative party. I guess he’s going to have to explain that to the people he works with,” Mulcair said Wednesday.


Here’s how Larry Savage, the director of Brock University’s Centre for Labour Studies, put it: In the union movement, Dias’ donation was akin to a “barbaric cultural practice” — riffing off the highly controversial proposal Leitch made in the final weeks of the last federal election campaign.

 FollowLarry Savage @Prof_Savage

I'm pretty sure Jerry Dias' campaign contribution to Kellie Leitch constitutes a barbaric cultural practice in the union movement. #canlab

5:09 PM - 1 Nov 2016


Hassan Husseini, a negotiator with the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) who ran for the presidency of the Canadian Labour Congress in 2014, took it further.

 FollowHassan Husseini @HassanHusseini2

As a Unifor member I'm adding my voice to others calling on @JerryPDias to step down. You've done enough damage #canlab @rankandfileca …

8:21 AM - 2 Nov 2016

Mr. Magoo
Joined: Dec 13 2002

Kind of reminds me of when Elizabeth May controversially gave a shout-out and a high-five to some Liberal candidate (no, not Stephane Dion!) because they were friends.  I guess it can get awkward.

Joined: May 16 2002
alan smithee
Joined: Jan 7 2010

Kill it before it grows.

Mighty Middle
Joined: Apr 20 2016

Jerry Dias just tweeted

Let me be entirely clear, the politics of @KellieLeitch & I are polar opposite. I have no idea how she or any woman could support Trump


Joined: Dec 8 2011

it doesn't work for me. she of cultural barbaric practices shouldn't be given money to run a party. woman or not.

Joined: Dec 11 2005

Mighty Middle wrote:

Jerry Dias just tweeted

Let me be entirely clear, the politics of @KellieLeitch & I are polar opposite. I have no idea how she or any woman could support Trump

Great coverup, Jerry. She was a real swell gal until suddenly today she came out in support of Trump. You are so smart!

The union movement has a serious cleanup job ahead of it. But like the NDP, it's extremely hard to find the rank and file stepping up with the hoses.

This. Must. Change.

Joined: Jul 6 2008

The difference between the right and the left.

When Leitch saw what was happening just South of us last nite she fired off an email to garner support for her campaign.  

The left's response - we had better study the situation. 

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