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Margaret Atwood Accepts Israel's Dirty Prize Money -Still Shameful!

Joined: Jun 25 2004

continued from here


Joined: Jun 25 2004

Cueball wrote:
One thing I find particularly ironic about Atwood's ultra-whiney "I am the victim" trope is her claim that "writers have no armies". There she is ensconsed in the protection of one of the most powerful military machines on earth, one that is entirely dedicated to stripping the original inhabitants of the region where the University of Tel Aviv sits, so that her and her colleagues can hob-knob with each other, give eloquent speeches, and wax poetic about climate change without fear of interuption from the millions who were dispossessed in order to arrange for her comfort

This pretty much sums up the reality of IT all.

Once you start denoting people(s), for any reason, as "elites", then a situation is created whereby the "elites" believe that mundane human(e) things just no longer apply to them.  They appear to be able to scapegoat themselves into believing that the number of "good works" they can do, now that they are "elite", outweighs the bad things they do, by their wrongly believing they are actually "elite".

Frustrated Mess
Joined: Feb 23 2005


Respectfully, your position amounts to:  You're either with us or against us.  Zionists are evil doers. 

There ARE two sides. 

To the extent that the Palestinian side believes that western liberals and academics want an outcome to end "the total occupation of Palestine" I believe that the rejectionist side wiill be encouraged.  That in turn feeds into the right wing in Israel who will say "see, they reject Israel."

The only hope is that a fair minded US administration will get things going again.  The parties already have agreed on the basic deal.  There will be those on both sides who never will accept it.   But a BDS that is totally rejectionist is a total failure.

There are always two sides. Every murderer has a side. Every priest who abused a child has a side. Slave holders have a side. Nazism had a side. For the purpose of this discussion, we could say there is the side of justice and the side of injustice. I choose the side of justice and I really don't care for the rationalizations of your side.

Racism is evil. Do you dispute that? If not, then you must accept that a racist ideology is also evil. And Zionism is a racist ideology. What makes Zionism racist is the denial of humanity, civil, social, and political rights of Palestinians that gave way to ethnic cleansing, dispossession, cultural genocide, imprisonment, policies of exclusion, brutality, and mass murder.

There is no such thing as a fair minded US administration. The US will pull the plug on Israel and the racist Zionist project just as soon as the last profitable barrel of oil has been extracted from beneath the feet of an oppressed and beaten Arab nation.  Then the social and political elite will flee Israel for the comfort of Western states where their blood soaked money will still buy a nice dinner and the settlers will be abandoned to form the plot line to another epic story of biblical proportions.


Joined: May 25 2003

FYI - the disgrace of Margaret Atwood. Seems the famous writer thinks the moon landing was a fake. And she could give a s*it about science. And so on.

Spartan Youth Radio interview with M Atwood

OTOH, if she really is a wing nut, then it shouldn't be a big surprise about her low level of socio-political understanding.

Joined: Nov 4 2008

I heard -- and I'm NOT making this up -- that a few elections ago, she had both Liberal and Green Party signs on her lawn.

'Nuff said.

Joined: May 25 2003

Snert - I don't agree with doing that but there's nothing wrong with it. Maybe Graeme supports the Greens and Margaret supports the Liberals.

Joined: Nov 4 2008

I'm not so much rolling my eyes at the fact that there were two; that could be simple indecision.  But look at the two!  Chance couldn't have done worse.  :)

Joined: Dec 23 2003

N.Beltov wrote:

FYI - the disgrace of Margaret Atwood. Seems the famous writer thinks the moon landing was a fake. And she could give a s*it about science. And so on.

Spartan Youth Radio interview with M Atwood

OTOH, if she really is a wing nut, then it shouldn't be a big surprise about her low level of socio-political understanding.

Never before released moonlanding outake.

Joined: May 25 2003

Nice, Cue.

You know, it's not a big deal for me that Atwood might have some weird views. Hell, some people might think me weird. Somehow, we expect more from such important and recognizable public figures. And i the case of sports "celebrities" /athletes then it's probably a mistake on our part.

If Atwood actually said something like, "I'm too dumb to figure this out. Sorry about that. It won't happen again," then I might actually give her a pass. It's the whiny bullshit, the insistence that she's got it all figured out, the conceit, etc. , that chaps my ass.

None of us are above society because we are all a part of, and come from, society. Even great artists.

Joined: Dec 23 2003

Or even if she had just said: "I need the 1/2 million".

Joined: May 25 2003

Well, yea. Admit it. And maybe donate what she can afford out of it to ...PalFest or the Palestinian Festival of Literature.

It's a point the Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer made forcefully when she visited the West Bank a couple of years ago. Writers have a duty, she suggested, to put forward what she called an inner testimony, "to talk about what is actually going on, not just on the surface but deep within, the factors that shape the emotional and social landscape, even if unseen or unacknowledged."

The PalFest has been going on while Atwood gets her award on the other side of the apartheid wall. Good thing she's Canadian and not Palestinian or she'd never have made it.

Here's some more from that Guardian piece ...

When it comes to literary festivals, the way it usually works is that the organisers find a nice spot for writers to set up shop, then wait for the public to turn up to listen to the writers talk. In Palestine, though, things are a little different. Here, it's the job of the writers to go out and travel from city to city, seeking out an audience. And here, the writers listen as much as they talk: to the people whom they've come to meet about the realities of life under military occupation....

The reason behind the festival's unusual structure is a pragmatic one. On the West Bank, the most immediate effect of Israel's military presence is the restrictions it places on freedom of movement for Palestinians. Between security roadblocks and Israeli settlements, the simple act of travelling becomes anything but; a short journey between cities can take as much as half a day. So the guest writers - this year including Geoff Dyer, Hisham Mater, William Sutcliffe and Adam Foulds, alongside local writers such as the Orwell prize-winner Raja Shedadeh and Suad Amiry - make the journeys themselves, touring Jenin, Nablus, Bethlehem and the Old City of Jerusalem and observing everyday life in Palestine.

Joined: Dec 27 2008

Boycott Those Who Refuse to Boycott:

"The artists who refuse to honour the cultural boycott against apartheid in Israel need a wake-up call..."



Joined: Dec 27 2008

Snert wrote:

I'm not so much rolling my eyes at the fact that there were two; that could be simple indecision.  But look at the two!  Chance couldn't have done worse.  :)


the other two would be equally bad - it's designed that way in this fixed game.

Joined: May 25 2003

More than 50 organizations and artists from eight countries have written to legendary political singer and poet Gil Scott-Heron to thank him for his decision to drop Israel from his current tour. The letter, facilitated by Adalah-NY, highlighted the parallels between the South African apartheid that Scott-Heron crusaded against decades ago and the Israeli system that currently subjugates Palestinians.


Electronic Intifadah: Artists thank Gil Scott-Heron for heeding boycott call

"To salvage its deteriorating image abroad, Israel has launched a 'rebranding' campaign which uses arts and culture to whitewash its violations of international law and Palestinian human rights," said Randa Wahbe of Adalah-NY. Gil Scott-Heron is the latest in a list of notable artists, including Sting, Bono, Snoop Dogg and Carlos Santana, who have recently declined to play Israel. Distinguished artists, writers and peace activists -- among them John Berger, Arundhati Roy, Adrienne Rich, Ken Loach, Naomi Klein, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Alice Walker -- have declared support for the BDS movement.

"Gil Scott-Heron's decision to cancel his concert in Tel Aviv is warmly welcomed by all of us here in Gaza and Palestinian civil society at large. This does not come as a surprise to us due to his luminous heritage in support of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa. Once again, we wholeheartedly thank him for heeding our call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, until it complies with its obligations under international law and fully respects Palestinian rights."

...... a rebranding campaign using arts and culture to whitewash violations of international law and human rights.


OTOH, for Atwood we have ...

for Atwood, at least, it comes down to whether or not a cultural boycott is equivalent to censorship. But as filmmaker Cathy Gulkin said in an article posted on the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel's website on 6 May, the two issues are distinct. Gulkin said that censorship is wielded by a force with the power to prevent a work from being presented, while a boycott asks artists to withdraw their work voluntarily. She participated in a boycott of the Tel Aviv International Film Festival last winter.

"Palestinian civil society has no power or will to silence or censor. They can only appeal to people of conscience ... to support them in their struggle to achieve their human rights," Gulkin wrote in her call to boycott last winter.

Atwood on the wrong side of history


Joined: Feb 27 2003

I wonder what would be the literary consequence of a Peg Atwood sleep-over in Gaza.  Would she write how the bleak landscape of a bombed-out refugee camp informs the character of its inhabitants?  Would she call such a piece "Survival," or would that be too derivative?

Joined: Nov 4 2008



And I think it goes without saying that if someone refuses to boycott those who refuse to boycott... well, you get the idea.

Joined: Jun 25 2004

Was just thinking myself earlier this am, while pouring a coffee, that Atwood made a statement to the world at large that she choose them, and not the peoples of the world.

In doing so, she has made a step in fulfilling, or ensuring The Handmaiden's Tale comes to fruition.


And then I come here to see NBeltov redded it nicely, Atwood has come down on the wrong side of history, and indeed humanity.

Her self promoting pretentions have been exposed for what they are.

Joined: Feb 27 2003


In the wake of the cancellation, Facebook groups have sprung up calling on Elvis Costello, Joan Armatrading and Bob Dylan to cancel their planned concerts in Israel. On 5 May, PACBI issued its own call to Armatrading.

I doubt if little Bobby (Neighbourhood Bully) Zimmerman could be talked out of supporting Israel.

Joined: Dec 27 2008

Margaret Atwood's Price

"So here's the challenge we should be now posing to Margaret Atwood. Use the money for good. Help Palestinian students get the books, paper, computers and other supplies that they need...

Use your influence to open some doors and windows in that vast prison known as Gaza.."

'the fly that sips treacle is lost in the sweets' - Beggars Opera

Joined: Jun 25 2004

Not going to happen she probably had to sign a paper stating she would not do anything like that with the money....


You know what is really sickening about this, is that "progressives" who are co-opted by the Zionists, really are being paid to affirm to the Zionists that they were correct all along....


It seems lost on both the corruptor and the corruptee who  ignores for self gratification the full implications of their actions.


Zionists purchase the  glitter that covers their actions aka, Cohen, Atwood et al, thus allowing them to continue,while those they have purchased, get bigger bank accounts, and the award ego gratification telling them they are "someone".

The truth that their actions are nasty, destroying actions, is beyond them.


Then again perhaps not, perhaps people like Atwood are only pretending to be activists, to further the Zionist agenda from the get go....

Joined: May 25 2003

I hope that Atwood has been stung by this. A great artist, discovering a truth belatedly, can accomplish great things.

C'mon, girl. You were great once. Be great again.

There was a dream that was Canada.

Joined: Feb 27 2003

Tomorrow's Nakba Day.

I won't go through with it, but I'm inclined to dig out my copy of The Journals of Susanna Moodie and burn it in the parking lot in front of Chapters.

Joined: May 25 2003

I'll join ya. I think the nearest Chapter to me is in Nanaimo or Victoria, however. Somebody should give this Canadian literary icon a slap.

Before it's too late.

Joined: Jun 25 2004

Chapters in Nanaimo is out by Woodgrove.


Me thinks she lost her "icon" status.

Joined: Dec 27 2008

As Maggie was getting her prize and big fat cheque in Tel Aviv..

Israel's Red Line: Shin Bet Arrests Leader of Boycott Movement

"the detention of Amir Makhoul and Omar Sayid is seen differently - as the gathering storm clouds in a political climate already fiercely hostile to its Palestinian citizens.."

Shame, shame, again and again upon her

Joined: Feb 27 2003

remind wrote:

Chapters in Nanaimo is out by Woodgrove.




I've actually been in that place....before the boycott, of course.

Joined: May 25 2003

Well, if we're doing confessions, i admit to being paid by Chapters for an artistic/literary activity in one of their stores. Also, BB. However, I didn't like them already. I felt vaguely sluttish - like writing for the National Post or something - even though I badly needed the money and the self-esteeem that came from getting paid to do what I loved.

To paraphrase Marx, one big box store kills many smaller stores. And, in the case of bookstores, the stores being "killed" were just the sort of stores that friends of mine worked at, where interesting artistic and social events took place, and so on. In Winnipeg there was Mary Scorer Books, Heaven and Art Book Cafe, ...

Joined: Feb 27 2003

We used to have a Mary Scorer in Saskatoon.  There's a big bookstore here called McNally Robinson that snuffed out the little guys. 


OK, I'll fess up too.  I entered a Chapters in Regina a couple of years ago.  Mme. Qa'bong was looking for some special book for one of the Bongettes that we couldn't find in Saskatoon.  Chapters hadn't opened here yet.  I ended up buying a history of Hamas and a collection of  writings and speeches of Hezbollah bigshot (and maybe a distant cousin of mine) Hassan Nasrallah.  I figured if I was going to buy anything in Chapters, these two books would be OK.

Joined: Apr 21 2005

McNally Robinson declared bankruptcy late last year. They were a small(ish) Canadian chain.

And I forgive you, N.Beltov. Smile

Joined: Feb 27 2003

Reports of McNally Robinson's demise are greatly exaggerated.  The store is still open here.

Joined: Jun 25 2004

Never been in a Chapters, ever, and cannot imagine a scenario where I would be so induced.


Having a hard time with the reality that our local library gets its books from them. And I am wondering if BC libraries all have a contract with them.


maysie you are apparently much more tolerant than I, as I am not so forgiving of Beltov's sexism, contained in his "vaguely sluttish" analogy.

His having not been a "slut" means he never would know what it feels like in the first place, and secondly, what he felt was guilt at  being materialistic over what he believed his moral code was....they  met his personal price and he found it was lower than what he tought, the added ego gratification was all that was needed, it seems.

To liken that to what  a "slut" may, or may not, feel is unacceptable.

He needs no forgiveness, from outside himself, for his own lack of moral integrity, based upon his own measure. It is his measure afterall.

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