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Conservative flyers on disabled initiatives contain fake Braille

Joined: Apr 25 2005
They have mass-mailed a flyer with wording that only looks like Braille — without the raised, tactile lettering that blind people need in order to read.
Toronto Star wrote:
“Supporting Jobs for All Canadians,” reads the slogan on the flyer, the words duly rendered below in a series of Braille dots. But any blind person who touches the dots would find only a flat surface — unreadable letters, then, for many of the roughly 280,000 people in Canada who are visually impaired.


Ken Burch
Joined: Feb 26 2005

As Onslow from KEEPING UP APPEARANCES would say "Oh, Nice....."

(if you never saw that show, Onslow NEVER said that phrase as a compliment, fyi).

Ken Burch
Joined: Feb 26 2005

btw, does anybody here enough of what Braille looks like to be able to tell if the fake Braille actually SAYS "Supporting Jobs For All Canadians"?

I wouldn't put it past one of the young smartasses at Harpoland to have it read "F__k You, you blind commie slackers!".

Joined: Jul 18 2006


It appears to actually say "Supporting Jobs for All Canadians", too bad the blind can't actually read it... Sorta makes it a big fat lie. Supporting jobs for all sighted canadians which could really be supporting jobs for all non-disabled canadians. A labour surplus market in a service industry dominated country doesn't leave a lot of room for workers that are not 100% especially now that employers demand far higher productivity.

Ken Burch
Joined: Feb 26 2005

lombar wrote:


It appears to actually say "Supporting Jobs for All Canadians", too bad the blind can't actually read it... Sorta makes it a big fat lie. Supporting jobs for all sighted canadians which could really be supporting jobs for all non-disabled canadians. A labour surplus market in a service industry dominated country doesn't leave a lot of room for workers that are not 100% especially now that employers demand far higher productivity.

So, it's sort of like those flyers for "English as a second language" classes that get posted on billboards down here...with the text in English.

Ken Burch
Joined: Feb 26 2005

Ken Burch wrote:

lombar wrote:


It appears to actually say "Supporting Jobs for All Canadians", too bad the blind can't actually read it... Sorta makes it a big fat lie. Supporting jobs for all sighted canadians which could really be supporting jobs for all non-disabled canadians. A labour surplus market in a service industry dominated country doesn't leave a lot of room for workers that are not 100% especially now that employers demand far higher productivity.

So, it's sort of like those flyers for "English as a second language" classes that get posted on billboards down here in the states(aimed at Spanish-speaking immigrants for the most part)...with the text in English.

Kaitlin McNabb
Joined: Oct 19 2011

"Supporting Jobs for All Canadians by keeping up appearances and not really supporting them"

Niall Keane
Joined: Jan 27 2013

Actually I think this is an excellent representation of what the Cons are all about when it comes to Canadians with disabilities. It's basically saying "We'll pay lip service to helping these people, and we'll do our best to make it look like we mean it. But when it comes to practical actions, anything we do is only theatrics and so bloody useless as to not really be any help at all."

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