babble is's discussion board but it's much more than that: it's an online community for folks who just won't shut up. It's a place to tell each other — and the world — what's up with our work and campaigns.

Exercises in Religious Freedom

Joined: Aug 27 2008

(see below)




Joined: Aug 27 2008

Apparently not all Christians are like this...

Arizona pastor predicts ‘AIDS-free Christmas’ if all gays are killed, as God commands

... but a hell of a lot enable hatred like this by their silence.

Joined: Sep 25 2001

Ugh.  Anderson is one hateful motherfucker.

Joined: Dec 4 2005


At another point in his sermon, Anderson had a foot-stomping, shouting tantrum about the idea that people can be LGBT and Christian. There will never be any gays in his church, he said, not ever, ever, ever.

“No homos will ever be allowed in this church as long as I am pastor here,” he insisted. “Never! Say ‘You’re crazy.’ No, you’re crazy if you think that there’s something wrong with my ‘no homo’ policy.”

How long before he comes out of the closet?

I am setting my watch.

Joined: Aug 18 2001

Sineed wrote:

How long before he comes out of the closet?

I am setting my watch.

Probably when he gets caught in a public washroom.

Joined: Dec 4 2005

Probably when he gets caught in a public washroom.

My personal favourite remains the virulently homophobic Republican who, when caught with a rent boy in an airport, protested that he was carrying his luggage.

Edited to add, that was George Rekers, formerly of the Family Research Council.

Joined: Aug 27 2008

It looks like he is more than happy to crawl out from behind the safety of his pulpit to do a totally unapologetic interview with the local NBC affiliate:

Pastor defends his anti-homosexual sermon.

Although I am not sure I take a lot of comfort in his clarifying that execution of LGBT individuals is not something he and his congregation should be doing but, rather, should be a governmental responsibility.

Meanwhile, down in New Zealand:

NewZealandHerald wrote:

A pastor has admitted sending an abusive email to a prominent gay author in which he prayed for the author's death.

Logan Robertson told Auckland writer Jim Marjoram: "I pray that you will commit suicide, you filthy fag."

Just another of Christianity's "loving people" no doubt.

Joined: Dec 8 2003

Did I stutter

Joined: Aug 27 2008

Thanks Bacchus, that provoked one of those grins that was so wide I could hear a little cracking sound in my temporomandibular joint.

Joined: Dec 8 2003

*bows deeply*  My pleasure. Its one of my favourite memes


And I have TMJ as well

Joined: Sep 25 2001

@Bacchus - <3

Joined: Apr 21 2005

Sorry to break up the love-fest (great photo Bacchus).

From Dec 4 2014: Michigan House Passes Religious 'License To Discriminate' Bill


The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, akin to one that made nationwide headlines in Arizona but was vetoed, appears to merely force the government to step aside if a person's "deeply-held religious beliefs" mandate they act, or not act, in a certain manner.

Supporters of these bills claim they allow people of faith to exercise their religion without government interference, but in reality, they are trojan horses, allowing rampant discrimination under the guise of religious observance.

For example, under the Religious Freedom law, a pharmacist could refuse to fill a doctor's prescription for birth control, or HIV medication. An emergency room physician or EMT could refuse service to a gay person in need of immediate treatment. A school teacher could refuse to mentor the children of a same-sex couple..

Joined: Jun 6 2005

Maysie wrote:

For example, under the Religious Freedom law, a pharmacist could refuse to fill a doctor's prescription for birth control, or HIV medication. An emergency room physician or EMT could refuse service to a gay person in need of immediate treatment. A school teacher could refuse to mentor the children of a same-sex couple..

Probably unconstitutional, so the lawsuits would ultimately force rationality back into the situation.

Plus the power that would give to Native Americans would make things utterly untenable for the whiteys.

Joined: Apr 21 2005

jas, first of all I never said that, it's a quote from the linked article. It's misleading to re-quote it as if I said it.

Second, this is the LGBTQ forum, so kindly keep your vile racism against Indigenous people to the thread about the courts stepping in. I've left it to you and your fellow racists to enjoy.

jas wrote:
 Plus the power that would give to Native Americans would make things utterly untenable for the whiteys.

Vile and despicable.

Sorry for the drift, bagkitty.

Joined: Jun 6 2005

Maysie wrote:

Second, this is the LGBTQ forum, so kindly keep your vile racism against Indigenous people to the thread about the courts stepping in. I've left it to you and your fellow racists to enjoy.

Right, yeah. I guess my racism in that thread is way outta control, eh?

Maysie wrote:
Vile and despicable.

Umm... yeah, no.

Joined: Aug 27 2008

Meanwhile in Texas

TheGuyInThePulpit wrote:

They're all predators, and given the chance to snatch one of your children, they would do it in a heartbeat.


Joined: Aug 27 2008

@ Maysie - I didn't consider it drift in the slightest - I think it is a new, and extremely disturbing, trend... codifying "religious" exemptions that would permit overt discrimination under the banner of "religious belief". You bring up the example of Michigan - you don't have to go so far afield to find examples though, look at hte Prentice Tories here in Alberta trying to insert the same reasoning into their recent Bill 10.

If you were talking about your response to the word burst that appears at the end of post #12... If you feel capable of handling it go for it... I tried to glean some sense out of it several times and failed completely - in my mind it doesn't even qualify as a non-sequitor, just a meaningless outburst.

Joined: Jun 10 2010

@ Bacchus #7

And it's not just a snappy internet meme. He actually gave a demonstration of the principle in Matthew 8.

On the exemption thing, don't they have one in Ontario for JPs not wanting to recognize marriage equality?

Of course a medical excemption is of more immediate concern, and probably would be challenged. Though it is nothing new, in an informal sense. Doctors have been playing god with women's reproductive health since forever.


Joined: Jun 6 2005

bagkitty wrote:

If you were talking about your response to the word burst that appears at the end of post #12... If you feel capable of handling it go for it... I tried to glean some sense out of it several times and failed completely - in my mind it doesn't even qualify as a non-sequitor, just a meaningless outburst.


I don't think I was trying to write in code or anything. But whatever. You found it a meaningless wordburst; Maysie found it highly offensive.

Purple jam pants. There. Does someone want to read something into that?

Joined: Dec 8 2003

Fucking purple racist.


There I said it.

Joined: Aug 18 2001

Don't think anyone has linked this yet


Joined: Aug 27 2008

Just how bad is homosexuality? Well let's check in with Pastor Scott Lively (who gets frequent flier points for his "contributions" in advising the homophobes in both Uganda and Russia) where he explains that homosexuality is worse than mass murder.

ScottLively wrote:

So, is homosexuality worse than mass murder from God’s standpoint?  Read it for yourself.  God’s justification of the genocide of the Canaanites by the hand of the Hebrews is found in Leviticus 18. It is a list of sexual sins, including incest, bestiality and, of course, homosexuality (which — even in this context — is singled out as “an abomination”), ending with the admonition: “Do not defile yourselves by any of these things; for by all these the nations which I am casting out before you have become defiled. ‘For the land has become defiled, therefore I have brought its punishment upon it, so the land has spewed out its inhabitants.”

God Himself employed mass killing to punish sexual perversion.  Very harsh in human estimation, but who are we to judge God?  (Importantly, killings by God are not technically murder since He is always justified in His actions.)

On the plus side, a federal court in the United States has denied Pastor Lively's petition to have charges against him (brought under the Alien Torts Statute by Ugandan plaintiffs accusing him of contributing to crimes against humanity) dismissed.

Joined: Aug 27 2008

When I was  a wee bagkitten, the nuns at the school I attended tried to teach us about Christian Charity. I am not sure this is quite what they meant.

Joined: Sep 25 2001


A monk Whatcott.  Just what we need.

Joined: Dec 4 2005

Maysie wrote:
For example, under the Religious Freedom law, a pharmacist could refuse to fill a doctor's prescription for birth control, or HIV medication.

Unfortunately, pharmacists have that right here:

Ontario College of Pharmacists wrote:
A pharmacist is permitted to decline providing certain pharmacy products or services if it appears to conflict with the pharmacist’s view of morality or religious beliefs and if the pharmacist believes that his or her conscience will be harmed by providing the product or service.

Usually it's birth control pills or the morning after pill. I've never heard of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for antiretrovirals, though I can see how it would be consistent behaviour for someone who believed that AIDS is "God's punishment for homosexuality." 

Joined: Dec 4 2005

bagkitty wrote:

When I was  a wee bagkitten, the nuns at the school I attended tried to teach us about Christian Charity. I am not sure this is quite what they meant.

I love the comments in Joe My God.

JaniceinToronto wrote:

Joined: Jan 14 2013

Sineed wrote:


Unfortunately, pharmacists have that right here:

Ontario College of Pharmacists wrote:
A pharmacist is permitted to decline providing certain pharmacy products or services if it appears to conflict with the pharmacist’s view of morality or religious beliefs and if the pharmacist believes that his or her conscience will be harmed by providing the product or service.

Usually it's birth control pills or the morning after pill. I've never heard of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for antiretrovirals, though I can see how it would be consistent behaviour for someone who believed that AIDS is "God's punishment for homosexuality." 


What a ridiculous rule.


Religion is a very scary thing.   It lets people do all kinds of evil nasty stuff and clear their conscience of any immoral act by asking for forgiveness from an imaginary friend.

Joined: Jun 10 2010

@ Sineed.

Yup. That's part of what I was talking about. I have also heard of doctors refusing to perform sterilizations on people they considered too young.

Of course a friend got the pill as a teen (years ago) for the wink/nudge reason of irregular periods.

Joined: Aug 27 2008

Sineed wrote:


I love the comments in Joe My God.

JaniceinToronto wrote:

Sineed, yes it was a good comment, but it helps to really capture the spirit of the site if you include the peanut gallery (everybody else on the site) trying to one-up each other...

Lumpy Gaga wrote:

(replying to JaniceInToronto)

In the old days, monks had to reproduce each hate-leaflet by hand, like God intended.

Joined: Aug 18 2001

North Carolina church members indicted for kidnapping and assaulting gay man

Matthew Fenner, 21, says he was strangled and verbally assaulted to be "freed" of his "homosexual demons"

Five members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, North Carolina, have been indicted on kidnapping and assault charges for allegedly attacking and beating a fellow church member, who is gay.

Matt Comer at QNotes reports that a grand jury on Tuesday indicted Justin Brocke Covington, Brooke McFadden Covington, Robert Louis Walker, Jr. and Adam Christopher Bartley on second-degree kidnapping and simple assault charges. Sarah Covington Anderson was also indicted on second-degree kidnapping, simple assault and assault by strangulation charges.

etc ...




Joined: Aug 18 2001

Not sure if this really belongs here but I don't want to start a new thread.  I do have to say that Kirk Cameron had pretty much fallen off the radar screen - except for the odd article about "Child Stars, where are they now" that mentioned he had become a born again preacher I haven't even heard his name for years.


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