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Can a vegan have a relationship with a meat eater?

Joined: May 10 2001


Joined: May 10 2001
quote:I recently started dating someone new. I'm a vegan, and he's a meat eater. This isn't the first time I've dated an omnivore; I've always considered myself tolerant of the choices other people make.
For some reason though, I've suddenly become really turned off when it comes to him eating meat. I feel like he smells like it and the sight of him eating it turns me off. What to do? I feel like I can't tell him to stop, but I can't go on like this either. Is this relationship doomed?

Views Eating Greens As Nice

When I was vegan, I had no problem being friends with or having relationships with meat eaters, as long as they were respectful of my choices. But then, I had no problem with people joking around with me, and I think I had a higher tolerance for that sort of thing than other vegans I've read about who get really sick, really quickly, of people making jokes or asking questions they consider offensive. It just never bothered me. Maybe because I hadn't been vegan long enough for it to wear thin. [img]biggrin.gif" border="0[/img]

I'd like to go back to being vegan, but it's hard to go back once you've fallen off the wagon. It was a conscious choice for me to start and to stop, but maybe someday I'll do it again. But I consider it a personal decision and while I'm happy to see others reduce their animal consumption, I don't have visceral reactions to those who don't.

I guess it's just a personal thing. If you are having physical and emotional reactions to watching people eat meat, then I guess it probably won't work to have a relationship with them.

Joined: Jun 9 2004
Michelle, you are no longer vegan??

I am in a relationship with a meat eater. While I don't get particularly bothered by the meat eating, I do not like the smell of cooked flesh (although I would never say anything to my boyfriend).

It has always been, for me, that people are constantly putting me down for my choice of being a vegetarian and I've even have a meat eater friend who wanted to date me say we would not be compatible because my vegetarianism is too much of an issue.

I think we can have relationships with meat eaters. It's just a matter of being respectful.

Joined: Oct 24 2006
My boyfriend is discreet with his meat consumption and as a former vegetarian, he is very respectful of my views. This can mean using seperate cutting boards and knives to prepare his meal and mine, as to not contaminate my dish, or eating mostly vegetarian meals with me when he's at my house, though I do let him keep some chicken in the freezer at my place. It has never been a problem in our relationship, but I do eat some seafood and I'm not a vegan, and he knows not to come too close if he has burger breath. [img]biggrin.gif" border="0[/img]

Joined: May 10 2001
quote:Originally posted by Stargazer:
Michelle, you are no longer vegan??

Hee. I've mentioned it on babble before, but I guess you missed it. I should start a thread!

Anyhow, yeah. I was finding it too difficult to navigate the omnivore-son-vegan-mom thing, and I wanted to be able to eat meals with him and have the same stuff he was having, etc. It wasn't just the extra work of cooking separate stuff, but also kind of the...I don't know. It didn't feel like we were "eating together" if you know what I mean.

I wouldn't care if he was an adult, but as his mom, I want him to feel like he and I are sharing the same meal, etc. Emotional thing, I guess.

I'll go back to it someday. I still don't eat very much meat at all. It's just the dairy consumption that's gone up a lot.

Joined: Apr 21 2005
FYI, link to the Ms. Communicate column in question here.

Joined: May 10 2001
Oh! Whoops. I always do that!

Joined: Sep 25 2001
I'm an omnivore. I've been vegetarian and tried being vegan (never felt worse in my life, so left off), and I even like most vegetarian foods. That being said, I couldn't live with a vegan. It would be bound to come up at some point and I can't see it going well. I have a thing about fussiness, and food restrictions are often fraught with varying levels of fussing. I lived with a man who eschewed onion and garlic for a few years, and by the end of it I was itching to slip 'em into everything.

Chalk it up to a character flaw on my part, but it'd drive me batty to have to worry about cutting boards and knives, or two different meals at a time. And the philosophical aspects of veganism vs omnivorism could not help but grate, eventually.

Joined: Oct 24 2006
quote: Chalk it up to a character flaw on my part, but it'd drive me batty to have to worry about cutting boards and knives, or two different meals at a time.

We usually just have different variations of the same meal. We'll make a stirfry and I'll have mine vegetarian and he'll throw in some beef or chicken after I get my share. Or we'll BBQ ... him having a burger and me having a nature burger or grilled portabello mushrooms to save us from having to make two entirely different meals. Most of the time he's just happy to eat like a vegetarian until we go out for dinner and he'll order the steak.

Joined: Jun 9 2004
quote: though I do let him keep some chicken in the freezer at my place.

Hahaha. Kind of hard isn't it? My boyfriend showed up at my door one day with a huge hunk of frozen deer thigh. For me, it was completely gross but I had to think about in the context of my family. My brother often hunts with his grandfather on the reserve so I have an understanding of hunting for necessity. I had to think of it that way although we do have two freezers, one for meat stuff (which my boyfriend doesn't eat much of at home since we eat generally vegetarian food), and one for veggie stuff.

Joined: Sep 25 2001
quote:Originally posted by jrose:

We usually just have different variations of the same meal. We'll make a stirfry and I'll have mine vegetarian and he'll throw in some beef or chicken after I get my share. Or we'll BBQ ... him having a burger and me having a nature burger or grilled portabello mushrooms to save us from having to make two entirely different meals. Most of the time he's just happy to eat like a vegetarian until we go out for dinner and he'll order the steak.

We eat vegetarian meals two or three times a week. But we don't eat out much, there being four of us, and most of the times it's hard enough to squeeze making a real meal in at all, never mind futzing with variations. The line I use when my kids start wanting something different than the choice du jour is: This is not a restaurant and I am not a short order cook!

Having to put the extra energy into food exclusions would drive me nuts. Plus, if I lived with someone who was turned off by meat, it would be very difficult because I'm adamantly not giving it up -- I am healthier and stronger as an omnivore. That, and I really, really, really like lamb chops. Yum.

Joined: Oct 24 2006
My mom is the queen of pissing people off at Subway or Mr. Sub. She asks them to change their gloves before making her veggie sub because she doesn't want the meat-infested gloves touching her sandwich. You wouldn't believe the dirty looks she receives.

Boom Boom
Joined: Dec 29 2004
Speaking of submarines (and I apologise for thread drift) my favourites were Fat Albert's in Ottawa, and Mr. Submarine everywhere else. I read in a review long ago that the unhealthiest subs were Subway's tuna fish because they had way too much mayo (I tried one last year and it was still soggy, not as much as they used to be). The only sub places I can find here in northern Quebec are Subway and Mike's in Sept-Iles. I hate Subway, but they're at least much better now than they used to be, but still not up to the level of Mr. Submarine (in my opinion, anyway).

Joined: Jul 25 2006
I could date a vegan. But would a vegan date me?

Michelle, does this mean there's hope for my hopeless crush? If only I'd known you were so, ahem, flexible... ;]

Joined: Jun 25 2004
quote:Originally posted by Farmpunk:
I could date a vegan. But would a vegan date me?

Michelle, does this mean there's hope for my hopeless crush? If only I'd known you were so, ahem, flexible... ;]

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh...I remember a while back you were speaking about wanting to date a vegan, never guessed it was Michelle!!!

Boom Boom
Joined: Dec 29 2004
Back in my hippy days when I lived in a commune, there were two women residents who cooked almost exclusively vegetarian, and I learned from them, but I have found that unless I am with someone who is totally devoted to vegetarianism I quickly forget how to make delicious vegetarian meals. In my lifetime I haven't met very many vegetarians - maybe a dozen, maybe slightly more. I've never met anyone who called themselves a vegan. Here on the Quebec coast, there are no vegetarians as far as I know - these are fishing communities, and most are descended from English, French, and aboriginal ancestry - mostly meat eaters, in other words. Even in 2008, here on the coast, learned vegetarians and vegans are non-existent. I'd love to have a vegetarian companion to teach me better (and healthier) vegetarian cooking, but, realistically, that's unlikely to happen, as our variety of veggie foodstuffs is quite limited.

Joined: May 10 2003
Although, Boom Boom, when you think about it, many of the vegetarian staples should be more available to you than lots of other foods: lentils, dried beans and other legumes, all the grains, cous cous, polenta etc.

I use and love them all (and I'm not vegetarian -- we eat everything also). We use a lot of herbs and spices, vinegars -- including flavoured vinegars which I make myself and which add a lot to the somewhat bland taste of the legumes and grains.

I have beautiful vegetarian cookbooks and I feel good when I build meals around something other than meat.

Kaspar Hauser
Joined: Aug 15 2004
I'm not a vegan, but I am a vegetarian and I try hard to limit the amount of animal products I consume. My partner is the same. My friends are all meat eaters, but I honestly don't know if I could be romantically involved with a meat eater. My vegetarianism isn't designed to improve my health, it's a response to our monstrous exploitation of animals. Being romantically involved with a meat eater would, for me, be similar to being romantically involved with someone who is unapologetically racist. Among other things, a relationship is a crucible for the distillation of character and virtue--we love partly because in loving, we refine the best parts of ourselves. That can't happen if our partner regularly violates our core ethical principles.

Joined: Sep 25 2001
Well, I can be polite and sociable with vegetarians and vegans who are ethically motivated, but I can't see living with one. The moralistic approach would soon get to me, especially as I see certain flaws in the argument and other options for humane meat-eating.

I also have an ethical thing about making choices that aren't necessarily healthy (again, room for much debate here, but we are, as an organism, designed as an omnivore) for ethical reasons. It's good to be true to yourself, but I take that to the physiological level and seek balance. Again, I could have a friendly debate with someone about it, but couldn't live it.

[ 17 May 2008: Message edited by: Timebandit ]

Kaspar Hauser
Joined: Aug 15 2004
Timebandit: I'm curious about those flaws in the argument. Do fill me in.

Joined: Jun 18 2004
It's always pointless to argue the morality of eating animals. That's entirely subjective.

If the set of moral rules you adhere to includes an axiom about animals having a level of rights that is violated by eating them, then you should be a vegetarian.

If your moral rules don't include such an axiom, then enjoy your steak.

No issue quite cries out for tolerance by all parties involved than one that is based on arbitrary premises. Big endian, little endian.

Kaspar Hauser
Joined: Aug 15 2004
Actually, the argument against eating animals isn't arbitrary and it's not about rights.

Bioethicist Peter Singer, using a standard utilitarian framework, argues that while "rights" are impossible to determine, "interests" are self-evident. Anything that feels pleasure and pain has interests: while "rights" may or may not exist, it's undeniably in the interests of a sentient being to avoid pain and experience pleasure.

As a utilitarian, he argues that, from a disinterested standpoint, it's irrational and unethical to arbitrarily prioritize the interests of one sentient being over the interets of another.

In saying this, Singer distinguishes between minor interests and major ones: minor interests are those that are essentially conveniences, while major interests are questions of life-and-death. With animals, we routinely sacrifice their major interests to serve our minor interests. From a utilitarian perspective, that's deeply immoral.

In other words, the moral issues around animal exploitation aren't terribly axiomatic, except in as much as ethics themselves are axiomatic.

[ 17 May 2008: Message edited by: Michael Nenonen ]

Joined: Jun 18 2004
The 'disinterested standpoint' from which the interests of all sentient creatures are equal is arbitrary on its own. There are other internally consistent ethical frameworks that don't start there.

Joined: Dec 11 2005
quote:Originally posted by Michael Nenonen:

As a utilitarian, he argues that, from a disinterested standpoint, it's irrational and unethical to arbitrarily prioritize the interests of one sentient being over the interets of another.

Isn't Peter Singer the guy who approves of sex between humans and other animals?

Joined: Sep 25 2001
Oh, dear, let's not trot out Professor Singer...

(Yes, unionist, he thinks sexual acts between humans and animals are fine, as long as the animal does not suffer, although ideally these acts should be mutually pleasurable.)

The problem with using Singer to back up your argument that vegetarianism is more virtuous than omnivorism (I use this term because it is rare to find a truly carnivorous human) is that Singer doesn't actually say you shouldn't eat meat. What he actually says is that animals should not suffer, and if you can be assured that the animals you eat have not been subjected to horrible conditions, it is quite all right to eat them. Then we spiral into that sticky area about how much suffering is involved in butchering a humanely-raised cow (I have half of one in my freezer right now, actually).

I'm also always curious as to what really is in the best interest of the animals raised for food. If we were all vegetarian, they wouldn't be around to have interests at all. I'm not sure this impacts on Singer's reasoning, but it's something that always pops into my head anyway.

Singer is a strict utilitarian. Personally, I find much of his work borderline repugnant and somewhat disconnected from how humans actually tick. Using his work as an appeal to authority doesn't leave much of an impression on me.

We've evolved as opportunistic omnivores. We do best, healthwise, on a varied diet, including some meat, but not in excess. Balance, in other words. I refuse to feel guilty for being the creature I am. Certainly, if you run into a grizzly bear in the woods, he's not going to quibble about the ethics of whether or not you'd make a "moral" lunch. [img]wink.gif" border="0[/img]

I also, when faced with arguments a la animal activist Singer groupies (not Singer himself, as I pointed out above), am put in mind of my morally teetotal MIL, who is fine with me enjoying a healthful glass of red wine with my dinner, as long as she can take pot shots in the nicest possible way about "joy juice" and it's evils. I think moralizing at the table, like trans fats and preservatives, should be kept to a minimum.

And that, my friend, is why I could not live with a morally motivated vegetarian. [img]biggrin.gif" border="0[/img]

M. Spector
Joined: Feb 19 2005
quote:Originally posted by Timebandit:
...he thinks sexual acts between humans and animals are fine, as long as the animal does not suffer...
To be fair, he would not want the human to suffer, either.

Peter Singer, by the way is a devout atheist.

Joined: Sep 25 2001
quote: Peter Singer, by the way is a devout atheist.

Well there's our oxymoron for the day! [img]biggrin.gif" border="0[/img]

M. Spector
Joined: Feb 19 2005
It's always been one of my personal favourites.

Joined: Dec 4 2005
Peter Singer is the guy who believes disabled babies should be killed:

quote: When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is killed. The loss of happy life for the first infant is outweighed by the gain of a happier life for the second. Therefore, if killing the haemophiliac infant has no adverse effect on others, it would, according to the total view, be right to kill him.

Joined: Apr 17 2002
Could be, but the person denouncing him has said something just as heinous:

quote: It is sad that just as Dr. Kevorkian has finally been recognized in a court of law as being a criminal for acting on the basis of similar beliefs in the case of physician assisted suicide, Princeton sees fit to hire a proponent of infanticide to teach ethics to undergraduates.

This is vile and no progressive person should have anything to do with someone who would force me (or anyone else) to live against our will in the face of horrible suffering. Fuck pro-lifers!

She sounds like one of those shitheads who would keep people "alive" attached to a machine for 50 years. Just as repugnant, that, as deliberately killing a less-than-perfect child.

M. Spector
Joined: Feb 19 2005
Only two more days till World vegetarian Week.

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