babble is's discussion board but it's much more than that: it's an online community for folks who just won't shut up. It's a place to tell each other — and the world — what's up with our work and campaigns.

Peer to Peer networking and Democracy

Joined: Mar 26 2010

Distributed networks versus centralized networks: See


Joined: Aug 15 2010

Joined: Mar 26 2010

Video: How Is Political Struggle Related to Peer Production

photo of Michel Bauwens

Michel Bauwens 16th August 2010


Third part of an interview by Robin Good:

Introducing Dadamac: enabling networked learning, mostly in Africa

photo of Michel Bauwens

Michel Bauwens 16th August 2010


A contribution from Pamela McLean also on Twitter

No Yards
Joined: Jun 1 2003

FYI: This topic is not just about the Internet and computer networks .... it goes far beyond the idea of bittorrent and the like, and makes some very interesting observations and points in the direction society might be moving in the near future.

Joined: Mar 26 2010

You are right. For example;

Peer to Peer and Human Evolution


On "the P2P relational dynamic" as the premise of the next civilizational stage

Author: Michel Bauwens,

The essay is an emanation of the Foundation for P2P Alternatives, Draft 1.994, June 15, 2005; it was written after several months of collaboration with Remi Sussan.

However, it's always best to ask me for the latest version by email attachment, since I tinker with the essay almost daily.

A weekly newsletter, Pluralities/Integration, monitoring P2P developments is also available from the same author, free by email request. See the archive at

The foundation website-in-progress is at ; a mailing list for the site's development is available at /; a mailing list to discuss political strategy is available at /

Joined: Mar 26 2010

Check this out:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Greater Good - The Social Brain

Cool - and yet another reason why good talk therapy works. And, maybe more importantly, evidence that humans are hard-wired to feel and express empathy and compassion.

The Social Brain March 10th, 2010

Is it really possibly to put yourself in someone else’s shoes?

Though this may seem like an old adage that’s easier said than done, a wave of new research suggests that our brains are actually wired to help us take the perspective of other people, a basic form of empathy. This research has zeroed in on “mirror neurons”; when we watch other people perform an action, these neurons fire as if we were performing that action ourselves. But are some of us better empathizers than others?

In a recent study, published in Psychological Science, psychologist Kimberly Montgomery and colleagues tried to determine why we sometimes see more neuron activity in certain people’s brains: Are some people’s brains better equipped to take the perspective of others, or are mirror neurons more likely to fire when we observe social actions as opposed to non-social ones?

In the study, first participants were given a survey to gauge their perspective-taking abilities. Then they viewed video clips of social facial expressions like happiness or anger or non-social facial movements like sneezing or blinking; after that, they had to imitate the expression they saw in the video clips. Finally, they had to act out a word or phrase describing an expression. While they did all this, the researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to track their brain activity.

The results suggested that people with an average or above average ability to take the perspective of others show significantly more mirror neuron activity when they passively viewed social facial expressions than when they viewed nonsocial facial movements. On the other hand, people with low perspective-taking scores didn’t show more mirror neuron activity when they viewed social facial movements.

What this means, the researchers propose, is that the ability to empathize with others is linked to a mirror neuron system that’s finely tuned to respond to the social information we get from others. Interestingly, they note that mirror neurons responded like this only when the participants observed socially informative actions in others, not when they produced these actions themselves.

Based on these findings, Montgomery and her colleagues suggest that our brains are really social brains, wired to help us empathize with other people. Mirror neurons, they write, are “engaged selectively to simulate actions that are most informative for understanding the mental states of others.”


Tags: Greater Good, The Social Brain, brain, Psychology, compassion, interconnection, empathy, Psychological Science, Kimberly Montgomery, mirror neurons, observation of others

Labels: brain, compassion, empathy, Psychology

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