babble is's discussion board but it's much more than that: it's an online community for folks who just won't shut up. It's a place to tell each other — and the world — what's up with our work and campaigns.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois - the student spring five years on

Joined: May 9 2013

An interview by Thomas Gerbet, a young journalist at Radio-Canada (Gerbet was a French journalism student who came here on an exchange internship ... and stayed). Worth a listen if you have an hour to spare sometime, somewhere - this is the kind of thing you can listen to in transit...


Joined: Dec 11 2005

Listened to the first 10 minutes - sounds great! Thanks for this find, lagatta. Now what do you think the future holds for GND? QS porte-parole?

ETA: By the way, here's the download link so one can load it on a smartphone etc. for listening while in motion.

Joined: May 9 2013

Thanks for that - yes, it isn't a technical, fact-heavy podcast - it is something that is fine to listen to while driving or on public transport. And it is fun to listen to.

I have no idea - GND is still hedging. I understand - he would be a great QS porte-parole but I understand not wanting to be tied down to a party line, though GS is certainly not "Leninist" - and some neoliberal parties can be very "Leninist" indeed, by the way.

Now I'm itching to have a by-election in Laurier-Dorion. Ideally at the same time as the one in Gouin (they are adjacent, and I've lived for years in each of them). GND lives in Laurier-Dorion (southwestern Villeray, near Jean-Talon Market, where I lived there) so he is a couple of blocks north of Gouin.

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