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Behind The Numbers

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Behind The Numbers delivers timely, progressive commentary on issues that affect Canadians, including the economy, poverty, inequality, climate change, budgets, taxes, public services, employment and much more. Contributors include staff and research associates from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).The views expressed on this blog are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the CCPA. Visit the blog at Behindthenumbers.ca.

Young people: Vote like a geezer and change Canada's future

| October 19, 2015
Image: Council of Canadians

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An eleventh-hour message to voters aged 18–30: in this election, you've got the power.



There are more young people (18–30) in Canada in 2015 (6.33 million) than people aged 65+ (5.78 million). Your involvement in politics could change the future of Canada.

The problem is, 18-to-30 year-olds vote like they're almost 90. Not even half of you make it to the ballot box. Compare that to Canada's seniors (65+), about three-quarters of whom vote. Why let them set the political agenda?

It would be so easy to make your mark. There were more non-voters than voters in the last (2011) federal election. Most of them were...you! What do you think this chart would look like if three-quarters of 18-to-30-year olds voted?



Take 20 minutes out of your day, go vote.


Armine Yalnizyan is a senior economist at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and business columnist for CBC Radio’s Metro Morning. You can follow her on Twitter @ArmineYalnizyan.


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