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Ben Powless

Ben Powless's picture
Ben Powless is a Mohawk citizen from Six Nations in Ontario, currently based in Ottawa. He works primarily with the Indigenous Environmental Network. He is an avid photographer and sporadic writer.

Photos from the Ottawa Vigil for Trayvon Martin

| July 14, 2013

A vigil was held today at the Human Rights Monument in Ottawa, Canada in honour of Trayvon Martin. Residents gathered in a moment of silence, and shared poetry and thoughts about the young man and what his life - and death - meant.

Trayvon, 17, was shot and killed in 2012 by George Zimmerman in Florida, USA. Zimmerman maintained he acted in self-defense, but many people regarded the trial and media coverage as being heavily prejudiced against Trayvon, an African-American youth.

The previous day, July 13, 2013, the court had ruled Zimmerman innocent of murder and manslaughter, setting him free, and setting off dozens of rallies, protests, and vigils across North America.




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