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Christopher Majka

Christopher_Majka's picture
Christopher Majka studied at Mount Alison and Dalhousie Universities, the Pushkin Institute in Moscow and was a guest researcher at the Edward Gray Institute at Oxford University. He has written extensively for many national and international publications. His scientific work includes over 150 scientific papers and contributions to nine books. He is a review editor for two international publications, a collaborator of the Kaltenbach Lab and director of Democracy: Vox Populi. Majka was a recipient of the Tom Brydges Award from the Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network, and was included as one of Canadian Geographic's Environmental Scientists of the Year in 2010.
Justin Trudeau and Marayam Monsef
| February 6, 2017
Nova Scotians grieve the Ste-Foy massacre
| January 31, 2017
| December 20, 2016
One Government Place
| December 9, 2016
Mary Poppins and friends
| November 28, 2016
Bank of Canada
| September 30, 2016
NDP MLA-elect, Lisa Roberts
| September 1, 2016
The Leap Manifesto
| April 26, 2016
Alberta & The Leap Manifesto
| April 15, 2016
| April 8, 2016
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