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David Suzuki

David Suzuki's picture
Dr. David Suzuki is a scientist, broadcaster, author, and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation. He is Companion to the Order of Canada and a recipient of UNESCO's Kalinga Prize for science, the United Nations Environment Program medal, the 2009 Right Livelihood Award, and Global 500. Dr. Suzuki is Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and holds 26 honorary degrees from universities around the world. He is familiar to television audiences as host of the long-running CBC television program The Nature of Things, and to radio audiences as the original host of CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks, as well as the acclaimed series It's a Matter of Survival and From Naked Ape to Superspecies. His written work includes more than 52 books, 19 of them for children. Dr. Suzuki lives with his wife, Dr. Tara Cullis, and family in Vancouver, B.C.
dirty tap water
| February 15, 2017
Newspaper headline, "Great Storm Hits after 4-inch rain"
| February 8, 2017
| February 1, 2017
Sleeping at work
| January 25, 2017
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Carl Chapman
| January 18, 2017
| January 11, 2017
Image: Wikimedia Commons/David Rydevik
| January 4, 2017
Photo: Steven Depolo/flickr
| December 14, 2016
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Paxson Woelber
| December 6, 2016
Nuu-chah-nulth people with dugout canoes on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.
| November 30, 2016
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