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Election Fact Check 2015

Fact Check's picture
The 2015 federal election promises to be an ugly fight, with a lot of half truths and fact twisting. Together with our allies, rabble.ca will pull together real numbers and evidence to refute the mistruths -- and keep the election on its toes.

The final Fact Check: Measuring the truths and lies of the 2015 election

| October 15, 2015
The final Fact Check: Measuring the truths and lies of the 2015 election

Want to see an election campaign fact rich and spin poor? Chip in to keep our fact check blog up to date.


It's the final Friday of the election campaign. Let's just call it fact-check Friday.

rabble.ca's election coverage has included a fact check post each day of the campaign to help you navigate the promises of each of the major promises. With 34 posts to choose from, we understand if it's difficult to keep track, so we've grouped them by topic here.

Check the facts and feel good about your vote on Oct. 19.

Here are all the articles, by topic:

Bill C-51






The Economy






Elizabeth May playing hardball


Human rights


The Internet


Jason Kenney


Liberal-NDP beefs


Minimum wage


Quebec/Rest of Canada divide


Party operatives




Public sector workers






Trans-Pacific Partnership


Violence against women


Canada at war



Want to see an election campaign fact rich and spin poor? Chip in to keep our fact check blog up to date.



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