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Folks Gotta Eat

melanieredman's picture
The purpose of Folks Gotta Eat is to filter and curate stories, articles, projects and policies related to food security. Because the issues are complex, and Folks Gotta Eat...

Fake food cesspool

| October 23, 2010

I grew up at least an hour and a half's drive from a fast food restaurant. I think Dairy Queen would have been the closest. I remember feeling like country was turning to city when we drove past it on our way to Grandma Wilma's place up in St. Louis. I do have one fast food memory that almost counters my recollections of the strawberry sundaes at Dairy Queen -- the McDonald's McRib -- which took about two hours to drive to get.

If you're in my friend circle, you know that I HATE ketchup (along with the thought of egg shells in my omelet -- all horrible thoughts). However, I adore barbecue sauce. Growing up, the McRib sandwich was the pinnacle of yumminess. Back then, I didn't stop to ask why it was shaped to resemble real ribs with bones and all. I just thought it was handy that I didn't have to pick around actual bones!

Well, folks, the artificial diva is back for six weeks only. That in itself would be interesting enough (as a flash from the past), but check this out -- the sandwich returns on November 2nd -- Election Day in the U.S. I was just reading on the NPR website that some "say it's a toss-up as to whether they will line up first at the polling place or at McDonald's"! 

Okay... so now I am officially worried for humanity. Not only are we still okay to eat food-like products like the McRib, but we're also not sure what is more important, democratic participation or chowing down on fake food? Frown



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