Sharon Fraser

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Sharon Fraser is a former editor of who worked for a number of years as a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She is most recently a columnist with the progressive newspaper Catholic New Times, and an editor with (Canadian Housing), a magazine that covers issues around social housing in Canada. She has, at different times, been a regular or occasional contributor to regional and national publications, including This Magazine and The Canadian Forum, as well as Catholic New Times, writing about political, social and cultural issues. She was a regular participant on CBC Radio Morningside's political panel and on CBC-TV (Maritimes) Saturday Edition weekly panel discussion and has been an occasional commentator for CTV, Newsworld, CBC Radio. She has written and reported on co-operative issues for Co-op Atlantic and Atlantic Co-operator. She has been editor of Atlantic Fisherman (covering the commercial fishery in the four Atlantic provinces), Atlantic Insight (a general interest magazine), and Miramichi Leader (a prize-winning twice-weekly newspaper in New Brunswick.) Sharon Fraser was a contributor to the book Crossing That Bridge: A Critical Look at the P.E.I. Fixed Link writing a chapter on privatization of the Strait crossing (published by Ragweed Publications) and was a contributor to A Woman's Almanac, a product of East Coast Women and Words, with profiles of Nova Scotia women (published by Creative Publishers, St. John's, Nfld.) For a number of years, she wrote a column on feminist issues for The Daily News in Halifax. She is an occasional columnist and feature writer with Spotlight, a German magazine published in English in Munich, about political and cultural issues in Canada. She has lectured at the university level in women's studies and journalism.
| October 23, 2013
Photo: Sharon Fraser
| January 30, 2012
| June 17, 2011
| May 17, 2011
| May 11, 2011
| May 3, 2011
| May 2, 2011
| April 11, 2011
| March 28, 2011
| November 11, 2010
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