Caroline Biotteau en No, there is no such thing as 'reverse' terrorism <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>In the aftermath of the Quebec City mosque attack, we have heard and read all kinds of language to describe the event. &nbsp;"Hate crime," "mass murder" and "terrorist attack" were all used and they all, to some extent, do define what has happened. However, one confused <a href="" rel="nofollow">TVA anchor</a> said on air that this was a case of "reverse" terrorism. As if terrorism had only one form: Muslim against others.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Caroline Biotteau Thu, 09 Feb 2017 21:32:02 +0000 the views expressed 127648 at The radical right has always been on the radar, just not in the media <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>When radicalization is publicly discussed in Canada, it is almost always with a reference to Islamic extremism or terrorism. It's as if this phenomenon is strictly confined to individuals who have adopted extremist Islamist ideas like those of ISIS. Yet, this narrow conception of radicalization has, without a doubt, allowed for the atrocities in the Quebec City mosque to take place.</p> <p>By failing to acknowledge the threat coming from the radicalization of individuals and the presence of more than <a href="" rel="nofollow">100 right-wing</a> groups throughout Canada, we have blinded ourselves to the possibility of something like this ever happening.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Caroline Biotteau alt-right blood and honour islamophobia La Meute right-wing hate groups Xenophobia Anti-Racism CA Thu, 02 Feb 2017 20:13:30 +0000 the views expressed 127589 at