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Guatemalans win right to sue Tahoe Resources in B.C.

February 17, 2017
| Six farmers and a student from Guatemala shot while protesting a mine won an important victory when the B.C. Court of Appeal said their lawsuit against Tahoe Resources could be heard in B.C.
Length: 16:17 minutes (14.92 MB)

B.C. only province in Canada without poverty reduction plan

February 16, 2017
| Low welfare rates, minimal childcare support and skyrocketing rents mean B.C. has one of the highest poverty rates in Canada. The B.C. Poverty Reduction Coalition is organizing a week of action.
Length: 14:21 minutes (13.14 MB)

A conversation on 'Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America'

February 15, 2017
| A new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber examines the increasing presence of Canadian mining companies in Latin America and the environmental and human rights abuses that occur as a result.
Length: 13:50 minutes (12.68 MB)

Christy Clark gets $50,000 stipend by fundraising for her own party

February 1, 2017
| Duff Conacher of Democracy Watch says British Columbia's rules on political donations amount to a system of legalized bribery. The province's conflict of interest commissioner doesn't agree.
Length: 17:46 minutes (16.28 MB)

The civil war in Syria: A case study in propaganda

January 28, 2017
| The story we are told about the civil war in Syria is that it's a fight for freedom and democracy against a brutal dictator. Journalist Rick Sterling says this narrative is based on lies and fraud.
Length: 17:27 minutes (15.98 MB)

Community-owned wind project folds after Saskatchewan gives go ahead to natural gas plant

January 25, 2017
| Dozens of anti-wind organizations have sprung up following the imposition of large-scale renewable projects on rural communities. Community-owned power projects could turn that opposition around.
Length: 13:05 minutes (11.99 MB)

Vancouver Island old-growth forest almost gone

January 18, 2017
| Ninety per cent of the forests on Vancouver Island have been logged. Now the B.C. Chamber of Commerce and the Union of B.C. Municipalities have joined the fight to save the last 10 per cent.
Length: 12:03 minutes (11.04 MB)

Canada is wasting billions of dollars a year on prescription drugs

January 16, 2017
| A national pharmacare program would save the health-care system billions and improve the health of the one in 10 Canadians who can't afford the medication they are prescribed.
Length: 12:24 minutes (11.37 MB)

Epidemic of overdose deaths legacy of 10 years of anti-harm reduction

January 12, 2017
| Jordan Westfall says the hundreds of drug overdose deaths are a legacy of Harper's approach. Westfall is someone who formerly used opioid drugs and wrote his master's thesis on overdose prevention.
Length: 14:21 minutes (13.15 MB)

Putting a climate lens on infrastructure spending

December 26, 2016
| The Liberal government passed a private member's bill giving funding priority to green infrastructure projects. Eric Doherty say this could mean tens of billions of dollars more for public transit.
Length: 11:43 minutes (10.74 MB)
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