Doreen Nicoll en What are the chances feminist Trudeau will provide Canadians with a national gender equality plan? <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>After Harper's reign of terror on everything Canadian, Trudeau was a beacon of hope. But, that light is quickly dimming while my disillusionment grows by leaps and bounds. The self-proclaimed feminist is looking more misogynous with each passing day.</p> <p>On October 19, 2016 Trudeau whipped his party to vote against NDP MP Kennedy Stewart's private member's Bill C-237,&nbsp;<a href="">the Candidate Gender Equity Act</a>,&nbsp;which would have enhanced existing financial incentives ensuring greater gender parity during federal elections.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 15 Feb 2017 00:34:58 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 127686 at 'Love Does' wonders for the Women's Centre of Halton <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>We are living a hopefully brief moment in history when women's emancipation is not only under scrutiny, but is being attacked by entitled white males who happen to lead a couple of influential world governments -- Russia and the United States. It's during times like these that it's essential to remind ourselves that grassroots initiatives remain the bedrock of hope and change within our communities.</p> <p>I like to quote Canadian feminist and social activist <a href="" rel="nofollow">Rosemary Brown</a> during dark times like this; "We must open the doors and we must see to it they remain open, so that others can pass through."</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 01 Feb 2017 17:13:56 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 127574 at 130 million girls deserve an education so they can become empowered women <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>The other night I watched the movie <em>The Man Who Knew Infinity </em>(2016). This biographical drama stars Dev Patel as Srinivasa Ramanujan, a brilliant mathematician who created complex formulas in his head. The difficulty arose when those in power required written proof of his theories.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 25 Jan 2017 15:24:23 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 127506 at My gift this holiday season? Advice on how to save a woman's life in 2017 <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>Late October, news accounts that 26 year-old Nuseiba Hasan had been reported missing by a family member in February 2016 raised more than a few eye brows and questions. The missing woman was last seen alive at her family’s Flamborough property.</p> <p>Hamilton police continue to investigate her disappearance and had been treating it as a homicide. What made this case so unusual is the fact that Hasan had been missing for a decade.</p> <p>So, why report Hasan missing now? Safety. Someone who cared deeply for Hasan felt they were finally in a safe position to report Hasan’s disappearance.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sun, 18 Dec 2016 23:57:07 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 127171 at While mourning École Polytechnique we must remember Canada's largest, ongoing femicide <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>December 6, 2016 marks the 27 year anniversary of the mass femincide at&nbsp;École Polytechnique. Vigils will be held across Canada to commemorate the murder of 14 female engineering students.</p> <p>On that day in 1989, a lone gunman entered a classroom of 60 engineering students and ordered the men to leave. The murderer was heard to scream, "I hate feminists," before opening fire with the intent of killing as many women as he could.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Tue, 06 Dec 2016 00:30:37 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 127045 at World-class chefs turn food waste into culinary masterpieces for those in need <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>I love good food! I also love cooking. Most people don't know that many, many years ago, I graduated from the Culinary Management Program at George Brown College. At that time, the campus was located on Augusta Street in the heart of Toronto's amazing Kensington Market. I went on to complete my apprenticeship and earned my red seal designation.</p> <p>I often joke the reason I had five kids is because I never learned to cook small -- I cook big! My kids know that when we go on holiday, I will do whatever they want all day long, but once dinner time rolls around we have to have reservations at a restaurant that serves wonderful cuisine in a relaxing atmosphere sans televisions. It doesn't have to be expensive, it just has to be great.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Fri, 02 Dec 2016 07:02:56 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 127017 at Gratitude to those who know that violence against women is not just a women's issue <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>It's November 30, the last day of Woman Abuse Prevention Month in Ontario and the sixth day of the United Nations 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to say thank you to all of the wonderful men in my life taking a stand to eradicate violence against women and girls.</p> <p>Ryan McGreal editor of Raise the Hammer (RTH) took a chance on me as a writer when he introduced a genre that had not been a mainstream issue his online paper addressed. Ryan encouraged my outspokenness when it came to women's issues and was always ready to publish my musings.&nbsp;</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 30 Nov 2016 16:36:59 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 126992 at UN says Canada must take concrete steps to address gender issues <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>While Woman Abuse Prevention Month rapidly draws to a close, the United Nations 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence is ramping up its efforts to keep issues of gendered violence in our hearts, minds and actions.</p> <p>This makes it the perfect time to look at how well the Canadian government is tackling the epidemic of violence against women and girls. After all, your international credibility is enhanced when your own house in order.</p> <p>This week the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) called on the federal, provincial and territorial governments to establish a comprehensive National Gender Equality Plan addressing the barriers to women’s equity in Canada.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Mon, 28 Nov 2016 00:15:40 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 126951 at Orange the world during the United Nations 16 days of activism against gender based violence <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>As the sun sets tonight on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the sky will take on a beautiful orange tinge as cities, towns and villages Orange the World to create a brighter future for women and girls living with gendered violence. This is just the first of 16 glowing nights to mark the United Nations 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Fri, 25 Nov 2016 04:19:39 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 126929 at UNiTE to end violence against women <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>Over the years my wardrobe has expanded to include a purple skirt, several purple blouses, dresses, pants, amethyst jewellery, and of course scarves. November 1 each year I light up my porch with strings of purple mini lights. I do this to draw attention to the fact that November is Woman Abuse Prevention month in Ontario.</p> <p>But, on Friday, November 25 I will be wearing my favourite orange turtle neck sweater along with my purple infinity scarf as I do my part to <a href="" rel="nofollow">Orange the World</a> to end violence against women and girls.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Tue, 22 Nov 2016 03:26:31 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 126871 at Policy makers need to understand lived experience when it comes to gendered violence <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>We’re half way through Woman Abuse Prevention Month, time to look at some initiatives Ontario’s government has put in place to make it easier for women, and their children, to leave abusive intimate partner relationships.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Thu, 17 Nov 2016 06:37:59 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 126827 at Using the arts to understand woman abuse <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>November is Woman Abuse Prevention month in Ontario. It’s a time to draw attention to all forms of gender based violence, but more importantly, it’s an opportunity to educate the public about the pivotal role they can play in eradicating violence against women and girls.</p> <p>To that end, let’s discuss documentaries, movies, plays and books that illustrate the complexities of woman abuse which really hinges on an abuser’s need to maintain power and control over their intimate partner. Throughout the material you’ll also find ways that bystanders can safely intervene to help women recognize the abuse and find effective solutions to change their situation for the better.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:42:41 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 126688 at Aboriginal women deserve more than we as Canadians have been willing to give them <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>Purple is a colour that calms the mind and nerves, offers a sense of spirituality and encourages creativity. It’s also the colour of courage. Purple embodies the ingredients necessary to move a woman from a place of fear to one of empowerment.</p> <p>November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month in Ontario, a time to shine a purple light on gendered violence. Woman abuse takes many forms including physical, sexual, psychological or emotional, as well as intellectual, social, financial, verbal, cyberbullying, stalking, manipulating children, environmental and spiritual violence.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Tue, 01 Nov 2016 03:58:57 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 126610 at This Woman Abuse Prevention Month, familiarize yourself with many forms of abuse <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>November is Woman Abuse Prevention month in Ontario. An opportunity to make everyone aware that:</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Fri, 28 Oct 2016 02:35:30 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 126570 at Death of gender parity bill means Canadian women could wait until 2075 for equality in parliament <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>Wednesday, October 19 marks the first anniversary of the Liberals being elected to power. I remember it as a day to celebrate! A day when the sun set on a dark decade in Canadian history and rose on a Canada filled with sunshine, promise and hope.</p> <p>Unfortunately, today also the day that the House of Commons will vote on NDP MP Kennedy Stewart’s private member's Bill <a href="" rel="nofollow">C-237 - the Candidate Gender Equity Act</a>. This act would make a minor amendment to the Canada Elections Act by altering financial incentives already in place in order to incentivize parties to ensure gender parity during elections.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 19 Oct 2016 15:49:40 +0000 Doreen Nicoll 126445 at