Lizanne Foster en Dear B.C. Liberals: Your budget priorities need fixing. <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>Dear B.C Minister of Finance Michael De Jong,</p> <p>Thank you for your voicemail message expressing your regret that I was not home to share with you my priorities for a balanced budget. Perhaps it was a good thing that I was not available for your call because I have a feeling you don’t really want to hear what I have to say about your government’s fiscal management record.</p> <p>Firstly, I don't think we could even agree about the topic of our conversation since I see a balanced budget as&nbsp;an oxymoron, like fresh-frozen or pretty-ugly. A budget is a forecast, not a fixed entity. It's a projection that is at best an estimation of what spending will be.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:22:31 +0000 Lizanne Foster 127666 at B.C. Women's Marches should spark a movement for justice here, too. <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>Yesterday it felt good to be one of thousands marching in B.C. to challenge the misogynist rhetoric of a narcissistic president. It was cathartic to walk with so many whose protest was displayed on signs philosophic and poetic all around the planet, from Alaska to Antarctica.</p> <p>But today, when I think about what is happening in our own province, I wonder when we will see thousands take to the streets to protest the egregious actions of the B.C. Liberal government and&nbsp;Christy Clark?</p> <p>While&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow">big money gets to feast at her table</a>, children with learning disabilities struggle to keep up with lessons in mouldy portables, waiting for the crumbs she was so "excited" to promise.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sun, 22 Jan 2017 19:07:31 +0000 Lizanne Foster 127470 at B.C. teachers' victory brings to mind 14 years of losses for kids <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>She's&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow">excited about our Supreme Court win</a>. Premier Christy Clark, who as Minister of Education in 2002, introduced legislation that violated teachers' constitutional rights, and set in motion 14 years of students' suffering, is excited that the Supreme Court of Canada has said that she was wrong.</p> <p>What I wish she would feel is remorse.</p> <p>What I feel is grief.</p> <p>My elation at hearing the news of the end of a very long struggle for teachers was followed by sadness mixed with anger about all that has been lost over the past 14 years.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sat, 12 Nov 2016 17:25:53 +0000 Lizanne Foster 126767 at Dropping the ball on public education in British Columbia <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p>I always know when I've dropped one of the gajillion juggling balls that is my teaching job. It's when my students' faces have the kind of look a puppy has when it's being blamed for something it didn't do. They look at me all wide-eyed and wondering what just happened as they listen to me express frustration.</p> <p>This frustration always happens when I temporarily forget what I know about what my students need. Last week, at a moment when I was exhausted and distressed, I forgot that lecturing after 1 p.m. is an utter waste of time,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow">completely out of sync with students' circadian rhythms</a>.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sun, 30 Oct 2016 17:43:50 +0000 Lizanne Foster 126596 at B.C. Ministry of Education: Spare us the hyperbole about flexibility <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <p>One time I wished I had playdough in my classroom. Another time, a whole bunch of Lego blocks. Last week, I wished I had crazy sunglasses for all my students.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sat, 17 Sep 2016 19:26:04 +0000 Lizanne Foster 126085 at Here's what B.C. teachers aren't including on their back-to-school supply list -- but maybe they should <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Fri, 26 Aug 2016 21:23:54 +0000 Lizanne Foster 125821 at How do we teach our teenagers courage in a world that needs it? <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Mon, 18 Jul 2016 22:25:52 +0000 Lizanne Foster 125304 at Public schools nurture Canadian values <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <p>I wonder if it’s because Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is actually a teacher that so much of his&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow">Canada Day speech today</a>&nbsp;reminded me of all that is good about public education?</p> <p>For every example he gave of Canadian values, I thought of what those values looked like in the place where I teach.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Fri, 01 Jul 2016 22:39:00 +0000 Lizanne Foster 125118 at B.C. Liberal's education funding deception right out of '1984' <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Mon, 06 Jun 2016 02:52:07 +0000 Lizanne Foster 124755 at Worried about B.C. Ed funding cuts? Just bring your own hazmat suit [Satire] <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <p><strong>For Immediate Release</strong></p> <p>Lower Mainland, B.C.</p> <p>22 May 2016</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>PARENTS PREPARE TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL SCHOOL SUPPLIES</strong></p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sun, 22 May 2016 17:11:35 +0000 Lizanne Foster 124561 at It's never been easier to get the public to accept privatizing our schools <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <p>As a technology corporation you have long been aware of Rupert Murdoch's suggestion to&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow">invest in a public education sector</a>&nbsp;that is worth trillions of dollars. Unfortunately, as you are also aware, investment in this sector is particularly tricky and requires much patience.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Tue, 03 May 2016 02:20:26 +0000 Lizanne Foster 124243 at How to privatize a public education system <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sun, 24 Apr 2016 22:16:12 +0000 Lizanne Foster 124134 at Teenagers are creative problem solvers. Let's nurture that. <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <p>Dear Teens,</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:24:15 +0000 Lizanne Foster 123152 at We care about more than just pocket money Premier Christy Clark <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. <a href="" target="_blank">Chip in</a> to keep stories like these coming.</em></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/node-images/donategreen.png" width="120" height="30" /></a></p> <p>Does Premier Christy Clark believe that money is the only thing on the minds of voters? Does she think that voters are really enjoying having the extra money in their pockets from all her tax cuts so that they can have the&nbsp;choice&nbsp;to pay to cross bridges? Does she think we're pleased that we have some extra change to support school fundraisers and to donate to&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow">Adopt-a-School</a>?</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sat, 09 Jan 2016 20:21:12 +0000 Lizanne Foster 122396 at The children Christy Clark forgot <div class="story-teaser story-teaser-blog"> <div class="body"> <p><em>rabble is expanding our Parliamentary Bureau and we need your help! <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Support</a> us on Patreon today!</em>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img src="/sites/rabble/files/konp-greenbutton-2.jpg" width="118" height="22" alt="Keep Karl on Parl" /></a></p> <p>I'm thinking of the students who wish school was open today. The ones whose&nbsp;only meal each day is the one they get through a&nbsp;school meal program.</p> <div class="read-more"></div> </div> </div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 23 Dec 2015 15:45:16 +0000 Lizanne Foster 122222 at