Meghan Sali

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Meghan Sali is Campaigns Coordinator for Free Expression with, a community-based organization that safeguards the open Internet.
Image: Flickr/Thomas Hawk
| January 10, 2017
| November 1, 2016
| October 1, 2016
| September 28, 2016
| September 15, 2016
| September 13, 2016
| September 1, 2016
| July 8, 2016

The real poison pill in the TPP

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Canadians have many reasons to be concerned about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a massive international trade agreement that, if ratified, will result in restrictive new rules governing our daily lives, from how we use the Internet, to how much we pay for medicine.


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Why is Netflix cracking down on essential privacy tools?

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When David Fullagar, Netflix Vice President of Content Delivery Architecture, announced recently that the company would be cracking down on users who employ privacy tools while watching Netflix, you could practically hear the groans reverberate across the globe.


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