Michael Stewart

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Michael Stewart is the blogs coordinator at rabble.ca and a freelance writer. He is a bad editor, a PhD dropout and a union thug. He lives in Victoria, B.C. Follow him on Twitter @m_r_stewart
Image: PMO/Adam Scotti
| January 25, 2017
Image: Reddit.com
| January 19, 2017
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| December 23, 2016
| December 20, 2016
Image: Facebook/Maryam Monsef
| December 1, 2016
Image: PMO/Adam Scotti
| November 29, 2016
| October 31, 2016
Image: Flickr/niXerKG
| July 8, 2016
Photo: The New York Public Library
| June 1, 2016
Image: Twitter/RTE
| May 26, 2016
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