Michelle Gregus

Michelle GregusSyndicate content

Michelle is rabble.ca's managing editor and moonlights as a graduate student in Ottawa, where she studies food and culture. She started at rabble in 2006 as a babble intern, then joined the editorial staff as East Coast Editor. Michelle completed a journalism degree and wrote for an alternative weekly in Halifax before parlaying her love for learning, late nights and coffee into media work and grad school.
| August 21, 2015

CCPA at 30: A guide to best practice for progressive policymakers

Organized around the theme "Advancing Democracy and Social Justice in Canada: The Next 30 Years," the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives celebrated its 30th anniversary with a conference featuring progressive activists, thinkers and organizations on Nov. 18.

The gathering was an opportunity to mark three decades of advancing progressive ideas and to reflect on the challenges that lie ahead. After spending the day taking in presentations from a line-up of insightful speakers, here are some themes that resonated with me.



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