Tania Ehret

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Tania Ehret is rabble.ca's B.C. outreach coordinator and media sponsorship liaison. Tania joined rabble as contributing editor and served in the voluntary role of Indie Inside coordinator until 2016. She's involved in all sorts of fun organizing around Vancouver and believes deeply in melding the worlds of social justice and multimedia/arts, making activism accessible to as many people as possible. She likes cats.

Revolutionary program empowers girls with media literacy and activism skills

Photo: Access to Media Education Society (AMES)

In this social media age where the youth demographic is expected to be proficient in all media platforms and propel this technological evolution at an unprecedented rate, it truly matters who continues to take up space and whose voices are at the table.

If young people, particularly marginalized and underrepresented voices, "don't have the skills to use online, they don't have a voice in society," said Megan Ryland, program coordinator of #HerDigitalVisions, a project of B.C.-based organization Access to Media Education Society (AMES).



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Take down centuries of bloody money with Decolonize Now!

Screenshot: We Can Do It (Dirty Money) music video

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What would a truly ecologically sustainable economy look like?

Photo: flickr/ Billy Wilson

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| June 11, 2015
| March 29, 2015

Heartwood Community Café provides social change through social space in Vancouver

Photo: Heartwood Community Cafe facebook

Radical social change initiatives can form just about anywhere, inspired by a complex set of interlocking barriers and systems, designed to keep us apart. But these initiatives grow in more depth and with so much more light, when they have elements of community gathering to replenish and refill our human need for care.

Enter: social spaces, such as Heartwood Community Café in Vancouver, that act as a satellite for social movements and all forms of organizing to bloom.



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Searching for media democracy amid mainstream corporatocracy

Photo: Alex Tse

I cannot remember the last time I watched or listened to a mainstream news outlet and actually felt more informed, more engaged and more like an empowered member of a mass citizenry, instead of feeling cheated, disillusioned and enraged at whose voices were repeated over and over again.

Probably because that has never happened.

Last Friday, Nov 7, kicked off Media Democracy Days (MDD). Founded in 2001, this annual event (now expanded into a weekend) celebrates independent and democratic media in Canada.



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Save the Salish Sea: Celebrating the growing culture of resistance

Creating a vibrant community of widespread resistance begins in your own backyard. Or more accurately, on the unceded Indigenous territory that we in Vancouver reside. 

Organized by the Tsleil-Waututh Nation Sacred Trust, the Third Annual Save the Salish Sea Summer Gathering at Cates Park/Whey-ah-Wichen, Sunday Aug 10, set out to demonstrate a legacy of activist culture, in preparation for a continued fight ahead against further oil and gas development and the frontline communities most affected by it.



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| May 18, 2014
| April 22, 2014
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