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Talking Radical Radio

The history of radical HIV/AIDS organizing in Canada

November 30, 2016
| Alexis Shotwell and Gary Kinsman talk about the AIDS Activist History Project.
Length: 28:47 minutes (26.35 MB)
Dr. Julio Montaner
| December 22, 2014
| September 29, 2014

Prison Activist Resource Center

Tim Pearce via Creative Commons

A grassroots prison abolition group, the Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC) campaigns on the desire to eradicate prisons and in the meantime, challenge institutionalized racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism and able-ism. PARC engages in a huge variety of different projects and forms of activism. Their projects include:


-correspondence with prisoners

-support for prisoners who were wrongfully convicted or remain in prison due to political leanings/backgrounds

-offers a four-part prison issues curriculum designed to educate high school students

-share prisoners’ stories


Image: wikimedia commons
| December 12, 2013
Image: wikimedia commons
| December 9, 2013

Tories block bill to bring affordable medicine to developing countries

January 14, 2013
| A bill to amend Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime failed to pass in November. The bill was to streamline the process for producers of generic drugs and get low-cost medication to people who need it.
Length: 11:50 minutes (10.84 MB)
| January 7, 2013
November 30, 2012 |
World AIDS Day is dedicated to the memories of those who have lost their battle to the disease but also to honour those who continue to live with it.
| November 29, 2012
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