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Pipeline resistance grows as Trump revives Keystone XL and Dakota Access megaprojects

Photo: Joe Brusky/flickr

No longer just tweeting, President Donald J. Trump has been issuing a stream of executive orders and memoranda since his inauguration. On Tuesday, his pronouncements involved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. Both projects were denied or delayed by the Obama administration, each after massive public protests. Now, with the Trump administration's actions, buttressed by a servile Congress under Republican control, fossil-fuel megaprojects are getting the green light.

But it will take more than the stroke of Trump's pen to quash the vigorous resistance to these two pipelines, or the growing global demand for urgent action to combat climate change.


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Jason Kenney
| January 13, 2017
Photo: Julia Kilpatrick, Pembina Institute/flickr
| January 4, 2017
Image: Canadian Press/Justin Tang
| November 30, 2016

Trudeau's Trumpishness bulldozes Indigenous rights

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti

Considering the sick political calculus that rules Ottawa's backrooms, it is not inconceivable that the bubbly was pouring in Liberal circles with the stateside election of Donald Trump. Indeed, after having enjoyed a year-long honeymoon as the anti-Harper, Trudeau and his aides likely saw this new development as a gift that extends the honeymoon under the guise of being the anti-Donald.


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Land protectors and activists stand together for climate justice

Photo: Paulann Egelhoff/flickr

Hurricane Matthew has come and gone, leaving devastation in its wake. So far, at least 1,000 people are reported to have died in Haiti, and at least 39 have died throughout the southeastern United States. In North Carolina, the rivers are still rising. In this election year, given the destruction, you would think climate change would be a major issue. In the presidential debates, which tens of millions watch, there has hardly been a mention. It is what is happening outside, in the grassroots around the country, that gives us hope.


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A clarion call to save the planet is uniting global climate action

Photo: SumOfUs/flickr

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Fort Mac invites a search for meaning but symbolism is harder than it looks

Photo: Premier of Alberta/flickr

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Someone I know out West says there's a strong sense of not being allowed to explicitly connect the Fort Mac wildfires with its oil drilling activity, you have to "tiptoe" around the "meaning" or coincidence.


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Image: Facebook/Christine St-Onge
| May 4, 2016

Rachel Notley asks Justin Trudeau to show leadership

Photo: Chris Schwarz/Premier of Alberta/flickr

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Justin Trudeau is holding a three-day cabinet retreat in the mountain resort of Kananaskis, an hour west of Calgary. Alberta premier Rachel Notley made a presentation to Liberal ministers on Sunday, and held a private meeting with the Canadian prime minister as well.


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