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Trump Supporter at Neo-Nazi Rally
| February 8, 2017
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| August 25, 2016

Not Rex: Orlando shootings product of homegrown hate and gun culture

Orlando is red with the blood from people who aren't even allowed to legally give blood.

We need to look at how the homegrown hate and out-of-control gun culture in America is fuelling these crimes and do something more than just declaring these attacks tragedies.


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Dear non-Muslim allies, here's how you can help

Photo; Flickr/Moyen Brenn

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Dear non-Muslim allies,

I am writing to you because it has gotten just that bad. I have found myself telling too many people about the advice given to me years ago by the late composer Herbert Brun, a German Jew who fled Germany at the age of 15: "be sure that your passport is in order."



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Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmore
| November 3, 2015

Defining Progress: Street Artist Gilf! on gentrification, art, activism and the iconic 5 Pointz Mecca

October 17, 2014
| For this episode, New York-based street artist Gilf! discusses America’s wars of occupation, gentrification, art, politics, activism and smashing kitchens.
Length: 34:13 minutes (62.67 MB)

'Do the right thing': Civil rights icon Minnijean Brown Trickey on life-long resistance

September 23, 2014
| Civil rights icon and activist Minnijean Brown Trickey shares her thoughts about the legacy of Little Rock Nine, living in segregated America, and resisting at 73.
Length: 29:19 minutes (53.69 MB)

One drop or two: Mixed-race identity and politics in America with Sharon H. Chang

September 9, 2014
| Multi-racial researcher and writer Sharon H. Chang explains why being mixed white doesn't make you white.
Length: 31:07 minutes (28.49 MB)
| April 25, 2013

How American politics have become hinged on race


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