anti-black racismSyndicate content


Fabienne Colas on racism, diversity and inclusion

February 15, 2017
| Fabienne and Face2Face host David Peck talk about the Toronto Black Film Festival, racism, diversity, inclusion and making a difference in the world.
Length: 21:26 minutes (14.72 MB)
Photo via Lindell Smith campaign website
| October 26, 2016
| September 5, 2016
Image: Twitter/@JessicaB-U
| July 15, 2016
Image: Twitter/@M_Tol
| July 8, 2016

#BlackLivesMatter: Beyond Tent City part 2

Photo: flickr/

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This is part two of rabble's interview with Black Lives Matter organizer Janaya Khan. Read part one here.



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Once Africville, now Seaview dog park. Photo: Spacing Magazine/flickr
| May 3, 2016
Talking Radical Radio

A community challenging racial profiling in stores

April 20, 2016
| Pastor Lennett Anderson and Ann Divine talk about one community's challenge to both a specific case and the broader issue of consumer racial profiling.
Length: 28:19 minutes (25.94 MB)

Black Lives Matter Vancouver chapter organizes in solidarity with Toronto

Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism.Chip in to keep stories like these coming.

For 15 days, the Black Lives Matter Toronto chapter camped outside the Toronto police headquarters, demonstrating against systematic anti-Black racism and demanding an inquest to the death of Andrew Loku at the hands of police.



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Black Lives Matter: BlackOUT Saturday March 26

Banner for BLM

On Friday March 18, the Toronto Police Special Investigations Unit found that the officer who fatally shot Andrew Loku would not face charges.


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