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WATCH: Art Manuel on the struggle for Indigenous rights and sovereignty

Arthur Manuel (1951 – January 11, 2017) was a First Nations political leader in Canada. He was four times elected chief (1995–2003) and three times elected chair of the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council (1997–2003). During this period, he served as spokesperson of the Interior Alliance of B.C. Indigenous nations and he was at the forefront of the Indigenous logging initiative. He also co-chaired the Assembly of First Nations Delgamuukw Implementation Strategic Committee (DISC) that was mandated to develop a national strategy to compel the federal government to respect the historic Supreme Court decision on Aboriginal title and rights.


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The day of the TRC Final Report: On being in this world without wanting it

photo: flickr/Keoni Cabral

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Canada is at something of an historical impasse: perhaps too hastily reckoning with a murderous past without thinking hard about the future that reckoning would necessarily demand.



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Photo: AJ Batac/flickr
| October 14, 2015

Capitalism must die in order for Indigenous nations to live

Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition

by Glen Sean Coulthard
(University of Minnesota Press,

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"The master laughs at the consciousness of the slave," wrote Frantz Fanon. "What he wants from the slave is not recognition but work." Recorded in the footnotes of his influen­tial work Black Skin, White Masks, this statement by the anti-­colonial Algerian thinker was meant to refute Georg W.F. Hegel's famous philosophical concept of the dialectical relation between master and slave.



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'Civilisation Occidentale' et l'héritage du colonialisme

Photo: flickr/ceedot
Pour être loyal à la tradition de Charlie-Hebdo, il faut empêcher une dérive autoritaire et anti-immigrante au nom de la "civilisation".

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Criminalization of Indigenous peoples and reproductive justice

July 1, 2014
| Krysta Williams talks about the deliberate overcriminalization process in which the state intervenes in the lives of Indigenous peoples in colonial Canada, touching on reproductive justice issues.
Length: 23:23 minutes (32.13 MB)

Equal education for First Nations: Colonial approaches to education are not best

If you can judge a society by its system of education, then Canada stands clearly guilty of discriminating against indigenous peoples by allowing unequal and unfit education to continue.

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