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| February 12, 2017

Mount Polley a 'disaster' that 'needs to be shut down' says Imperial No More activist

Photo: flickr/Jeremy Board

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Last night, Secwepemc Women's Warrior Society and Ancestral Pride officially launched the Imperial No More Campaign against Imperial Metals, the mining company responsible for the 2014 Mount Polley tailings pond disaster.



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Evictions loom as demands for federal action against Site C rise

Photo: flickr/DeSmogCanada

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Update: The Trudeau government has issued two federal permits for the Site C dam, allowing B.C. Hydro to continue work on the project.

Critics of Site C are not happy citing the environmental destruction of the Peace River area and the outrageous cost of the project at $8.8 billion.



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Super InTent City sheds light on national housing needs

Photo: flickr/Mike Gabelmann

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After fighting off pressures to dismantle their community for over a year, Super InTent City residents in Victoria, B.C. have been told they must leave by August 8.

The ruling was made last week in B.C.'s Supreme Court by Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson who cited greater than anticipated costs, deterioration of health, violence and criminal activity as some of the reasons for shutting it down.



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Record-high numbers reveal housing and homelessness crisis in B.C.

Photo: Alliance Against Displacement's Facebook page, taken with permission by I

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On June 7, members and allies of Alliance Against Displacement occupied the B.C. Housing office in Vancouver to demand the Liberal government address the city's homelessness crisis.



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Serious overhaul of TFWP needed to address multiple human rights issues

Photo: flickr/Fer Armenghol

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This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP), the agricultural stream of Canada's Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP).



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B.C. continues to neglect climate recommendations, favours LNG projects

Photo: flickr/Province of British Columbia

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As Trudeau's Liberal government meets its six-month mark of being in office, climate group the Pembina Institute is calling for a clear, comprehensive climate change test for Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) projects.



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High risk of injury for young workers prompts B.C. schools and students to act

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Twenty-nine young workers died on the job in B.C. between 2010 and 2014. And, according to WorkSafeBC, young workers, people age 25 and under, are more likely than any other age group to be injured on the job.



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Homeless deaths in B.C. spike by 70% from previous year, report finds

Image: Megaphone Magazine

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Last week, Megaphone Magazine -- Vancouver and Victoria's street magazine and low-barrier employment opportunity for individuals living in homelessness or poverty -- released a report on homeless deaths in the B.C.



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B.C. Supreme Court rules in favour of tent city residents

Photo: flickr/ Mike Gabelmann

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After a three week wait, B.C. Supreme Court judge Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson ruled in favour of Victoria's Super InTent City on Tuesday and refused to grant an injunction to the Province of B.C. to remove the camp's residents.



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