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radio book lounge

Songs Upon the Rivers

February 9, 2017
| The histories of Indigenous communities and European explorers contain stories that have been lost in history. A new book presented by Sébastien Malette seeks out the forgotten stories.
Length: 14:47 minutes (13.55 MB)
radio book lounge

Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America

January 19, 2017
| Canadian mining interests in Latin America often claim that they are providing jobs and investing in the local community. But a new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber shows otherwise.
Length: 27:35 minutes (28.78 MB)
radio book lounge

'Belongings: The Fight for Land and Food'

November 8, 2016
| An interview with author Sally Miller about the link between land ownership, conflict and food insecurity.
Length: 13:49 minutes (14.42 MB)

Top 10 books to celebrate World Food Day

Photo: SarahC73/flickr

For quite some time I have been wanting to find a way to share my "good reads" about food, agriculture and communities. World Food Day has motivated me to reflect on the prescience of the timeless classics that I hold dear, as well as some newer books hot off the press.

On October 16, 1945, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization was founded in Québec City. Since 1981, October 16 has also been known as World Food Day. And every year, this day carries a particular theme. "Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too" is the 2016 theme. During the past 35 years, themes have also echoed the environment, climate change, and issues of water, rural poverty, food security and more.


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Feminist Current

Survivors speak out in new book about the prostitution industry

August 12, 2016
| Meghan Murphy speaks with Melinda Tankard-Reist, and two survivors who shared their stories in "Prostitution Narratives: Stories of Survival in the Sex Trade."
Length: 43:39 minutes (19.98 MB)
Feminist Current

Blair Braverman talks dog-sledding and navigating male dominance on a glacier

July 5, 2016
| In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with author and musher, Blair Braverman, about her new book, Welcome to the Goddamn Ice Cube.
Length: 43:24 minutes (19.87 MB)
Feminist Current

'Dietland' author Sarai Walker talks fat, fuckability and liberation

May 19, 2016
| In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Sarai Walker, author of a new feminist novel called "Dietland."
Length: 34:20 minutes (15.72 MB)
Photo: flickr/ Savannah van der Niet
| March 8, 2016
radio book lounge

radio book lounge: The accidental animal activist

October 5, 2015
| A vacation that led to four years of extensive international research into animal husbandry.
Length: 13:05 minutes (17.99 MB)
Image: Yves Engler
| September 13, 2015
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