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B.C. only province in Canada without poverty reduction plan

February 16, 2017
| Low welfare rates, minimal childcare support and skyrocketing rents mean B.C. has one of the highest poverty rates in Canada. The B.C. Poverty Reduction Coalition is organizing a week of action.
Length: 14:21 minutes (13.14 MB)

Christy Clark gets $50,000 stipend by fundraising for her own party

February 1, 2017
| Duff Conacher of Democracy Watch says British Columbia's rules on political donations amount to a system of legalized bribery. The province's conflict of interest commissioner doesn't agree.
Length: 17:46 minutes (16.28 MB)
| January 22, 2017

Epidemic of overdose deaths legacy of 10 years of anti-harm reduction

January 12, 2017
| Jordan Westfall says the hundreds of drug overdose deaths are a legacy of Harper's approach. Westfall is someone who formerly used opioid drugs and wrote his master's thesis on overdose prevention.
Length: 14:21 minutes (13.15 MB)

Christy Clark government wastes budget surplus on debt repayment

December 19, 2016
| British Columbians are in desperate need of affordable housing, higher social assistance rates and public school funding. Instead the government is spending a budget windfall on paying down the debt.
Length: 13:31 minutes (12.38 MB)

A public school teacher's perspective on a decade of cuts

November 26, 2016
| Rory Brown is President of the Vancouver Secondary Teachers' Association, a local of the BCTF. He has taught in Vancouver since 1999 and witnessed firsthand the effects of years of cutbacks.
Length: 18:46 minutes (17.19 MB)

Over a decade of cuts has led to crisis in B.C. public schools

November 25, 2016
| Since 2002, the Liberal government has been cutting education funding in B.C. resulting in program cutbacks, overcrowded classrooms and now, for many children, the loss of their neighbourhood school.
Length: 31:25 minutes (28.77 MB)

Survivors Totem Pole shines a ray of hope in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside

A gorgeous, moving photo essay documents the landmark raising of a monument to the Indigenous women lost and murdered in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside -- and their incredible resilience.

Related story:

Survivors Totem Pole marks resilience in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside

Survivors' totem pole, DTES Vancouver, B.C.

Grey skies did not deter the hundreds of people who marched together through Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES) to celebrate the installment of the Survivors Totem Pole at Pigeon Park, Saturday, November 5. 

Carved out of a 1000-year-old 27-foot cedar tree by community members of the DTES, the Survivors Totem Pole is a symbol of community survival, resistance, persistence, and inclusion. 




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| November 12, 2016
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