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December 13, 2016 |
"We're glad to see that about two-thirds of the people who lost home delivery might be getting it back. We won't be satisfied until they all get it back. We also demand a discussion of a postal bank."

Trudeau's fading relationship with Canadian labour

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti.

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Remember when new prime minister, Justin Trudeau, met with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) in November? After a decade of hostility under Stephen Harper, the Ottawa meet offered a bit of hope for a beleaguered labour movement.

But, nearly a year later, things aren't that much better. Teuila Fuatai reviews the Liberals' time in office.

Workers' legislation



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September 1, 2016 |
Though CUPW has reached a tentative and short-term collective agreement, union leadership will be back at the bargaining table next year to address many unresolved issues like pay equity and pensions.

CUPW and Canada Post reach tentative agreements for postal workers

Photo: OFL Communications Department/flickr

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The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) and Canada Post have tentatively agreed to new working conditions for Canada's posties.

The two parties announced last night two separate tentative agreements -- lasting two years -- had been drawn up for CUPW's 50,000 urban, and rural and suburban mail carriers, respectively.



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August 30, 2016 |
Postal workers have twice agreed to postpone job action for 24 hours. As negotiations continue both Canada Post management and workers have agreed to continue negotiations until Wednesday August 31.

Postal workers postpone planned strike action for 24 hours

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Postal workers have postponed planned strike action for a day as mediated negotiations with Canada Post continue into another week.

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), which represents 51,000 postal workers across its urban and rural and suburban mail carrier units, extended its 72-hour strike deadline about an hour before it was due to expire at 12 am Monday. 



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August 26, 2016 |
Unless an agreement is reached between Canada Post management and workers within the next 72 hours a nation-wide postal strike is set to begin.
| August 26, 2016
August 19, 2016 |
Chopra's got some explaining to do. CUPW will confront Harper's man in the post office today at Canada Post's annual public meeting.
August 15, 2016 |
CUPW workers' strike vote is valid up to August 25. Will Canada Post lock workers out, extend negotiations and therefore the strike vote's validity, or will the union serve a 72-hour strike notice?
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