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A heavy tale lightly told: Mona Awad's '13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl'

13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl

by Mona Awad
(Penguin Random House,

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'Mountain City Girls' honours the eccentric kin that shaped Canadian music

Mountain City Girls: The McGarrigle Family Album

by Anna McGarrigle, Jane McGarrigle
(Random House Canada,

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Debunking FIPA: Canada's lopsided investment deal with China

Sold Down the Yangtze: Canada's lopsided investment deal with China

by Gus Van Harten

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Refugee stories: Flight, freedom and Canada

Flight and Freedom: Stories of Escape to Canada

by Ratna Omidvar and Dana Wagner
(Between the Lines,

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'Indigenous Nationhood' speaks a truth that Canada needs to hear

Indigenous Nationhood: Empowering Grassroots Citizens

by Pamela Palmater
(Fernwood Publishing,

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Indigenous Nationhood: Empowering Grassroots Citizens is an interesting read because it is a collection of the best blog posts written by Indigenous activist, lawyer and academic Dr. Pamela Palmater from her acclaimed blog Indigenous Nationhood.



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Big Oil is destroying Canada's democracy and we must stop it

Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy in Canada

by Meenal Shrivastava and Lorna Stefanick
(Athabasca University Press,

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Alberta's economic reliance on oil and the subsequent symbiotic relationship that developed between the provincial government and Big Oil seemed a foregone conclusion.



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Hands off Africa: Canada's 300 years of intrusions exposed

Canada in Africa: 300 Years of Aid and Exploitation

by Yves Engler
(Fernwood Publishing,

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The strength of a myth is probably clearest in its capacity to seduce its victims as much as its beneficiaries. While white Canadians have an ego-massaging reason for believing that this country is faultless, a moral beacon, and a peacekeeping global citizen, the fact that some immigrants are equally misled is a testament to the myth's endurance.



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Photo: flickr/ Caleb Roenigk
| August 13, 2015

Dreaming of the unknown: The startling realities of migrant workers

Meet Me in Venice: A Chinese Immigrant's Journey from the Far East to the Faraway West

by Suzanne Ma
(Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,

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Three pages into Meet Me in Venice the reader learns that there are more than 214 million migrants worldwide: a startling one of every 33 people in the world alive is a migrant. Author Suzanne Ma, an experienced journalist based in Vancouver, is concerned with these facts, however, she's just as interested in the people behind the numbers.



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To literary comics, with love: Drawn & Quarterly celebrates 25 years

Drawn and Quarterly: Twenty-Five Years of Contemporary Cartooning, Comics, and Graphic Novels

by Edited by Tom Devlin
(Drawn & Quarterly,

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When I was 14 years old, in 1993, I regularly took the bus to the head shop downtown. I wasn't looking for incense or used records or any of the more adult contraband housed deeper in the shop. Instead I stayed near the door where a wire rack was stocked with the latest alternative comic books.



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