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Justin Trudeau
| January 30, 2017
| December 4, 2015

Sign a letter today to demand access to information reform!

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) have laucnhed a campaign for access to information reform.

Access to information (ATI) in Canada is falling apart. Requests for public information are heavily censored, denied or delayed for years beyond the legal 30-day response time. Federal scientists are prevented from speaking to the public or media about their research. Election promises of transparency have gone unfulfilled, while our ATI legislation drops to the bottom half in worldwide rankings.


Cindy Blackstock under surveillance
| May 5, 2013

Pikin News: Supporting Young Journalists in Sierra Leone

On July 29 in Toronto's dimly lit Lula Lounge, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression hosted a fundraiser to support the children of "Pikin News", a youth-run national newspaper in Sierra Leone. The paper, run by kids aged 12 to 17, provides the post-civil war generation of Sierra Leone an outlet to express their thoughts and feelings regarding the world around them.

Produced by Sachin Seth, filmed by Alexandra MacAulay Abdelwahab.



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Film Screening and Director Q&A: A Bitter Taste of Freedom

Thursday, November 22, 2012 - 7:00pm


Innis Town Hall
2 Sussex Avenue
Toronto, ON
43° 39' 55.3104" N, 79° 23' 58.6932" W

In honour of those who have been harassed, threatened, tortured, intimidated, jailed and worse for exercising their basic human right to free expression, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) will screen a documentary film about the life and career of murdered Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya at Innis Town Hall on Thursday, November 22 at 7:00PM.

This event will mark the International Day to End Impunity (November 23). Tickets can be purchased in advance at http://cjfe2012.eventbrite.ca for $12, or $15 at the door (doors open at 6:30PM).

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