ColombiaSyndicate content

March in Bucaramanga, Santander against Eco Oro Minerals and other companies
| February 7, 2017

CIDA funds used to promote Canadian mining interests overseas

December 3, 2016
| Yves Engler says the Canadian International Development Agency has been using public money to assist Canadian mining interests in Africa and Latin America. Yves Engler is author of Canada in Africa.
Length: 15:11 minutes (13.9 MB)
Violence Against Women Painting
| November 24, 2016

Why Colombians rejected peace deal with FARC

October 17, 2016
| After 50 years of war that killed thousands and displaced millions, the Colombian government signed a peace deal with the FARC guerillas. But on October 2, Colombians voted to reject the peace accord.
Length: 15:36 minutes (14.28 MB)

Three Colombian women tell us why preserving seeds is an act of resistance

Photo: flickr/Global Crop Diversity Trust

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Protection of native seeds is growing strong in Colombia. Colombian women are preserving seeds from multiple threats such as mining, free trade agreements, agrochemicals, hybrid and transgenic seeds among others.

Fernanda Sánchez Jaramillo spoke with three women from three different provinces in Colombia about how being a seed guardian is an act of resistance, promotes food security and maintains cultural identity.




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Women advocate for peace in Colombia

August 2, 2016
| After decades of women's peace activism, a new accord is signed.
Length: 28:59 minutes (39.81 MB)
July 27, 2016 |
The Liberals’ first Human Rights Impact Assessment Report on Colombia, tabled Wednesday to an empty House of Commons, remains as meaningless as those tabled by the previous government.

Criminalizing farmers' activism in Colombia

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Alexander Guzmán Romero was five years old when his mother died. His father raised him and six siblings and at the age of ten, he started working on someone else's farm to be able to afford groceries and clothing.

He completed elementary school when he was 18 years old and afterwards, continued working to support his family, including two relatives with special needs.



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Marchers during Feb 14 Strawberry Ceremony
| February 20, 2015
Photo: Lynne Fernandez
| May 14, 2014
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