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Image: Facebook/Arthur Manuel
| January 18, 2017

Sahrawis face brutal repression in their nonviolent struggle for self-determination

Photo: Western Sahara/Wikimedia Commons

Sultana Khaya's eyes don't match perfectly. One of them is artificial. In 2005, a Moroccan police officer rammed his baton into her eye socket while she was peacefully protesting with fellow college students. He then gouged her eye out with his hand. 
Sultana is Sahrawi (Sah-ha-RAH-wee), the Indigenous population native to Western Sahara. Occupied by the Kingdom of Morocco since 1975, Western Sahara is commonly referred to as Africa's last colony. The Sahrawis are in a protracted struggle for self-determination, and face terrible repression by Morocco.


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The KAIROS Blanket Exercise
| August 8, 2016
Congo's first democratically elected PM, Patrice Lumumba
| July 14, 2016

Take down centuries of bloody money with Decolonize Now!

Screenshot: We Can Do It (Dirty Money) music video

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Attawapiskat youth sing out about community's crisis

A group of youths in Attawapiskat, working with national Charity DAREarts and Juno-nominated singer Glenn Marais, are telling the story of the crisis in their community directly through song.

Watch this video and share to help spread the message and help them be heard.



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Possible mercury dumping ground increases calls for action by Grassy Narrows

Photo: flickr/Howl Arts Collective

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UPDATE: Yesterday six Grassy Narrows supporters were arrested and held overnight. They had a bail hearing on Friday morning in Toronto and were charged.

The supporters are calling for action on the mercury contamination near Grassy Narrows. Watch and share this video to show your support.



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'Dying from Improvement' exposes the politics of colonial inquests and inquiries

Dying from Improvement: Inquests and Inquiries into Indigenous Deaths in Custody

by Sherene H. Razack
(University of Toronto Press,

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As we shift from a Harper government that denied Canada's history of colonialism to a Trudeau government that has launched an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women, Sherene Razack's new book is a must-read to navigate the changing tactics of the Canadian state and support ongoing resistance.



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Why is France emulating the U.S.?

Photo: Léo Mabmacien/flickr

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Keep Karl on Parl

Everybody seems to speak French this week, love France and sympathize with the French. "Empathy" is now a French word. Even the British, long-time enemies of the French people, forgot about their jealousy, their rivalry in colonizing the world, their British superiority complex, and they did the undoable: on Monday The Guardian ran a long editorial en français!


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Talking Radical Radio

Opposing the uranium industry and 'nuclear colonization' in Saskatchewan

October 21, 2015
| Candyce Paul talks about the work of the Committee for Future Generations to oppose the uranium industry in northern Saskatchewan.
Length: 28:24 minutes (26.01 MB)
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