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Trump Supporter at Neo-Nazi Rally
| February 8, 2017
Image: Flickr/Huskies Football
| March 10, 2016
| January 28, 2015
Brian Mason
| January 27, 2015

How fatalism became the new normal

Photo: Number 10/flickr

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It's the shots of British Prime Minister David Cameron slogging through the floods there in wellies that convinced me: fatalism is back. He may have looked as if he was trying to do something, but it had nothing to do with addressing the causes of flooding. He was all accommodation: like Noah building an ark after hearing from the Lord that the skies were going to burst.


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Photo: flickr/ocpa_mw
| August 26, 2013
| December 24, 2012

Friedrich von Hayek: Neoliberalism's prophet

Photo: UniversidadFranciscoMarroquin/Flickr

As the economic boom of the post-war period ended in the early 1970s, neoliberal ideology emerged as a rebellion against the statist strategies of the previous era. While neoliberalism was critical of Keynes it was also a further development of themes present in classical and neoclassical economic thought. Its most famous proponent was the economist-philosopher Friedrich von Hayek (1899-1992). His theory till the 2012 U.S. elections constituted the central intellectual adversary for the global justice movements, the leftist states in Latin America and other critics of corporate capitalism.


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General Strike posters, Montreal. Photo: Rob Caballero/Flickr
| June 29, 2012
| June 7, 2012
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