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The most powerful case for the U.S. war resisters

Let Them Stay: U.S. War Resisters in Canada, 2004-2016

by edited by Sarah Hipworth and Luke Stewart
(Iguana Books,

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On February 15, 2003, 15 million people around the globe marched in opposition to the impending war in Iraq. Despite not convincing the U.S. or UK governments to draw back from their invasion plans, the pressure generated that day did convince several governments, including Canada's, not to participate in what would turn out to be a military debacle that the United States and the United Kingdom are still reeling from more than a decade later.



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WATCH: June 17 walk to protect Ottawa's sacred site

On June 17, Algonquin Elders invite you to a massive walk to protect the Asinabka sacred site at Chaudière Falls, Ottawa, also known as Akikodjiwan.

For over 200 years Anishnabe / Algonquin Elders of Ontario and Quebec have asked the Crown and later the Government of Canada that their Sacred Site be returned to their care.

In 2012 the ConservativegGovernment abandoned the promise of the return of the Sacred Site and encouraged private ownership and massive development.

In 2014 a letter of intent between the City of Ottawa, private industry and the NCC announced the building of condominiums and multiple businesses on the Sacred Islands. 


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