ConservativesSyndicate content

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti
| February 6, 2017
Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmore
| October 17, 2016
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| October 14, 2016
Green Majority Radio

Regeneration gap: Is the environmental movement winning?

May 30, 2016
| A generational gap in conservative thought appears to be opening with new right wing leaders beginning to accept climate science.
Length: 53:22 minutes (61.08 MB)
Photo: flickr/APEC 2013
| May 27, 2016
Screenshot: Emergency Parliament Debate
| April 15, 2016

Liberals and Conservatives have joined forces to condemn BDS

The Conservatives and most Liberals recently passed a bill condemning all Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions efforts in Canada.  On the 17th of February, the US Senate passed the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 by a 75-20 veto proof margin.


Image: Flickr/bcgovphotos
| February 12, 2016

Kevin O'Leary's extremism logical addition to Canada's Conservative Party

Image: Facebook

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Rather than some strange deviation, Kevin O'Leary seems like a logical addition to the recent pack of extremists leading Canada's political right.

What perhaps distinguishes O'Leary from Rob Ford, Stephen Harper and Tim Hudak is the sheer openness with which he advocates greed and making Canada safe for billionaires.


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| October 29, 2015
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