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| December 16, 2016
Flickr/Mack Male
| November 21, 2016

CETA's forgotten impact on Roma refugees from EU countries

Images: Flickr/GLOBAL 2000
CETA between Canada and the EU is on life support. Media wrongly call the resisting Belgian region tiny, while everybody has forgotten the Roma, whom Canada has massively deported.

Related story:

Images: Flickr/GLOBAL 2000
| October 25, 2016

Maude Barlow talks with David Suzuki about her new book, 'Boiling Point'

October 4, 2016
| Maude Barlow was in Vancouver on Sept. 29 to celebrate the launch of her latest book "Boiling Point" about Canada's water crisis. She shared the stage with scientist and activist David Suzuki.
Length: 46:00 minutes (42.12 MB)
September 8, 2016 |
More than 50 groups have sent a letter to Trudeau and Minister Carr urging the government to overhaul the National Energy Board before it decides how to proceed with the two proposed oil pipelines.
September 1, 2016 |
While debate rages in Europe about CETA, the Canada-EU trade agreement, a new report warns that the deal could lower food safety standards.
August 22, 2016 |
Water protection, health care, pipeline opposition, Indigenous solidarity, prisoner rights, and more. Gord Downie is far more than a musician.
Mel Hurtig (Photo by Alex Waterhouse-Hayward)
| August 4, 2016
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