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Canadians detained abroad need more than 'responsible conviction'

Photo: Barrie Greens/flickr

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Two Canadians detained after Israel illegally seizes Freedom Flotilla III ship

Photo: Canadian Boat to Gaza

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| October 6, 2014
Talking Radical Radio

End immigration detention: Supporting unjustly detained migrants

October 23, 2013
| Mina Ramos and Macdonald Scott talk about organizing on the outside in support of the largest collective resistance by detained migrants in Canadian history, going on right now.
Length: 28:05 minutes (25.72 MB)

Play: 'You Should Have Stayed Home'

October 1, 2013
| Playwright Tommy Taylor was one of 900 people arrested and held in detention during the G20 summit in Toronto in July 2010. He’s turned the Facebook post he wrote about it into a play.
Length: 16:56 minutes (15.52 MB)

One refugee's fight for justice: The case of Muhammed Sillah

Photo: Justice for Muhammed Sillah

Muhammed, a refugee from Gambia, was arrested and detained on May 29 after having his request for asylum in Canada denied. He has since been detained at Immigration Holding Centre Rexdale, located in Etobicoke. An outspoken advocate of justice for the Gambian people, Muhammed has become an enemy of the repressive regime currently ruling Gambia under President Yahya Jammeh, and fears for his life if forced to return.



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Guantanamo hunger strike garners widespread support

May 13, 2013
| The vast majority of prisoners in Guatanamo are now on hunger strike in protest against their continued detention without charge or trial. Some have been on hunger strike for three months.
Length: 13:32 minutes (12.39 MB)

Twelve years detained without charge

April 27, 2013
| Mohammad Majoub was first arrested in 2000 under a security certificate. He lived in detention and under house arrest until 2012. Finally allowed to leave Toronto, he has been speaking across Canada.
Length: 24:38 minutes (22.56 MB)

Aaron Yoon: Another story of guilty by association?

Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: Mark Coggins, Lara604

Last week it was reported in the media that Aaron Yoon, who is currently detained in Mauritania on terror-related charges, might be connected to two other Ontarians who were involved in the terrorist hostage-taking in Algeria. This hostage-taking which ended up costing the lives of most of the hostage-takers, including the Canadian young people involved, took place only a few days after France invaded Mali to "liberate" its inhabitants from Islamists.


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Hidden stories of Canada's immigration detention

On Dec 15, 2012, as Canada implements laws that will see more immigrants locked up in jail, past and current immigration detainees share their stories. Read more about these laws and get quick facts on immigration detention at

Filmed and edited by the Liberation Cooperative at the Pan-Canadian Day of Action Against Security Certificates & Immigration Detention in Toronto.


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