detention abusesSyndicate content

July 21, 2016 |
There was a six-hour long riot at Burnaby Youth Custody Centre Tuesday and the causes are directly linked to cost-cutting measures and the closure of the Victoria youth detention facility in 2014.

Our friends the Gulf sheikhs and the case of Salim Alaradi

Photo: GAC | AMC/flickr

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Image: Lance Page/
| December 31, 2012

Canadian Khalid Awan remains stranded after years at U.S. 'Gitmo in the Heartland'

Image: UK Indymedia

While Omar Khadr returned from Guantanamo Bay this fall, another abandoned Canadian will shortly mark 11 years behind bars, much of that time in an Indiana hellhole known as Little Guantanamo and Gitmo in the Heartland. The case involves classic hallmarks of a national security system riven with physical and psychological torture: death threats, forced confessions leading to apparently trumped-up allegations, lengthy periods of solitary confinement, indefinite detention and the complicity of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.


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Five Canadian men still fighting security certificates

December 21, 2011
| Since September 2011, five men have been detained under security certificates in Canada. The men have been held for up to 11 years, yet no charges have been laid.
Length: 16:43
| October 21, 2010
| August 26, 2010
| March 4, 2010
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