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Revolutionary program empowers girls with media literacy and activism skills

Photo: Access to Media Education Society (AMES)

In this social media age where the youth demographic is expected to be proficient in all media platforms and propel this technological evolution at an unprecedented rate, it truly matters who continues to take up space and whose voices are at the table.

If young people, particularly marginalized and underrepresented voices, "don't have the skills to use online, they don't have a voice in society," said Megan Ryland, program coordinator of #HerDigitalVisions, a project of B.C.-based organization Access to Media Education Society (AMES).



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Fake news is foolish but the consequences are real

Source: Facebook

This week a photo of a racist letter made the rounds on social media.

It read:

"Dear Terrorist-Bitch,

We are writing to you as the newly organized Neighborhood Town Watch. We understand that you currently wear a scarf on your head and we would like to put you on notice that this will no longer be tolerated in our neighborhood.

Now that America is great again, we would like to offer you two opportunities to avoid any consequences on your poor previous decisions. First, you can take your radical attire of and live like all Americans. Or, your second option, you can go back to the God Forsaken land you came from.

America is Great Again,

Neighborhood Town Watch"


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Gawker and Craigslist: A tale of two sites

Photo of Nick Denton via Andrew Mager/flickr

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It's hard for me to imagine two sites more different than Gawker and Craigslist. Nor can I imagine two people more diametrically opposed than the founder of Gawker, Nick Denton, and the creator of Craigslist, Craig Newmark.


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The coming demise of Star Touch

Photo: Martin Abegglen/flickr

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What can we learn from the sad fate of the Toronto Star's Star Touch tablet fiasco and its imminent demise? I say demise because, despite what Torstar management said last week, you can start tossing your bets into the Star Touch death pool hat any time now.


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The eyedropper and the leaky faucet: Rethinking the subscription model

Photo: Jen R/flickr

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Well, this has been an interesting few days for the subscription model, hasn't it? Here in Canada, the environmentally focused National Observer hunkered down behind a subscription paywall. That's after two years of being Kickstarter- and crowdsource-supported.


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The journalism gap has created a crisis in Canadian media

Photo: flickr/Neil Moralee

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We are reaching a crisis point in Canadian journalism. Historically print media have served a wide variety of roles. 

They have been the papers of record in hundreds of communities, small and large. Births, deaths, court cases, political maneuverings, votes and shenanigans have been captured, for decades on tabloid and broadsheet newsprint. 


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A bad month for phonies and plagiarists

Photo: woodleywonderworks/flickr

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Can the Candy Crush of news save the industry?

Photo: Marcus Yeagley/flickr

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One of the great existential questions of the 21st century has to be: "Will anyone actually pay for news online?" Last week a possible answer came out of the Netherlands. But first, some background.


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Storytelling and the hype of hyperfiction

Photo: Wayne MacPhail

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Here's a question: Can technology change the fundamental nature of story? I ask because a recent publishing experiment by Google suggests it can. I'm skeptical.


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Tweeting to excess: The trial coverage of #bosma and #ghomeshi

Photo: Maryland GovPics/flickr

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Over the past week or so I've been following the coverage of the Tim Bosma murder trial on social media. Well, specifically, on Twitter. 

For those of you who don't know, Dellen Millard, 30, and Mark Smich, 28, are charged with first-degree murder in the death of Bosma, a 32-year-old father who lived in Ancaster, Ontario. Both have pleaded not guilty. 


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