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Liberals calculate political cost of saying yes to Kinder Morgan

August 30, 2016
| A government-appointed panel has just wrapped up a series of public meetings around B.C. on the pipeline expansion. Sven Biggs says the feds want to approve either Kinder Morgan or Energy East.
Length: 13:56 minutes (12.77 MB)

Attawapiskat youth sing out about community's crisis

A group of youths in Attawapiskat, working with national Charity DAREarts and Juno-nominated singer Glenn Marais, are telling the story of the crisis in their community directly through song.

Watch this video and share to help spread the message and help them be heard.



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No more arms deals in Canada

Photo courtesy of Murray Lumley

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It began with a welcome from Elder Evelyn Commanda, to the unceded and unconquered territory of the Algonquin nation. Her powerful statement reminded us why we were gathered: "We walk on our ancestors. And the dust of my ancestors is being used for war."



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| June 1, 2016
Image: Flickr/bcgovphotos
| January 14, 2016
Talking Radical Radio

A summit for radical worker-organizers in Toronto

September 16, 2015
| Mia Sopapilla and Jordan House talk about the Working For Each Other, Working For Ourselves summit for radical worker-organizers in service-related jobs.
Length: 28:36 minutes (26.2 MB)

The Raymur Mothers: They Wouldn't Take No for an Answer

November 2, 2014
| A new play tells the story of how a group of single mothers in a social housing project in East Vancouver camped out on the train tracks to force Vancouver City Council to build a railway overpass.
Length: 13:30 minutes (12.37 MB)
| September 16, 2014

Dam Line 9! Interview on the Enbridge worksite blockade

August 8, 2014
| From the #DailyGRRR!, an interview with Lana, a blockader at the Dam Line 9 occupation in Innerkip. Lana talks about why blockaders are concerned about Line 9 as well as what is happening on site.
Length: 16:33 minutes (15.16 MB)

Happy World Environment Day! Here are tools for direct action

Photo: flickr/Mike Beauregard
Take a campaign to the streets with these resources for creating an effective and inclusive direct action.

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