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In times of despair, utopias are preferable to dystopias

Photo: Enokson/flickr

There's something touching in how sales of 1984 have risen since Trump. Amazon is out of stock. Other dystopian novels, like Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, are doing well. It's one way to deal with a shock to the system: buy a book; then, basically, let it sit since it probably won't have much to do with what's spooking you on CNN. It's about the illusion of control.


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The revolution will be led by women with wooden legs

In the Land of Two-Legged Women

by Huey Helene Alcaro
(Inanna Publications,

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"They were going to cut off her leg."

Huey Helene Alcaro's debut novel In the Land of Two Legged Women begins with this terrifying pronouncement.

"It was a blue and golden day, so beautiful it hurt and they were going to saw off her leg."



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Harper's dystopian "vision" for Canada II

Continued from here


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