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B.C. only province in Canada without poverty reduction plan

February 16, 2017
| Low welfare rates, minimal childcare support and skyrocketing rents mean B.C. has one of the highest poverty rates in Canada. The B.C. Poverty Reduction Coalition is organizing a week of action.
Length: 14:21 minutes (13.14 MB)
| February 12, 2017
Robin Campbell & Jim Prentice
| January 4, 2017

A public school teacher's perspective on a decade of cuts

November 26, 2016
| Rory Brown is President of the Vancouver Secondary Teachers' Association, a local of the BCTF. He has taught in Vancouver since 1999 and witnessed firsthand the effects of years of cutbacks.
Length: 18:46 minutes (17.19 MB)

Over a decade of cuts has led to crisis in B.C. public schools

November 25, 2016
| Since 2002, the Liberal government has been cutting education funding in B.C. resulting in program cutbacks, overcrowded classrooms and now, for many children, the loss of their neighbourhood school.
Length: 31:25 minutes (28.77 MB)
Image: Facebook/
| November 14, 2016
Mump & Smoot
| October 31, 2016
Image: Flickr/Markus Lütkemeyer
| October 30, 2016
Image: Flickr/BCGovPhotos
| August 26, 2016

Not quite back to school for Mexican teachers

Photo: Solidarity with Ayotzinapa Vancouver

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Teachers in four Mexican states refused to head back to school on Monday as the teacher-led movement against President Enrique Peña Nieto's impeding education reform ramps up with ongoing strikes and renewed road blockades.



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